
BananaHama Bikes put your butt in a sling

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A tush-friendly BananaHama Bike in action
The BananaHama Beach Cruiser, with optional canopy
The BananaHama Urban, with optional briefcase mount
The optional faux fur-lined hammock
The BananaHama Mini tricycle, which can also be used as a stroller
A tush-friendly BananaHama Bike in action
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For those of you who don’t know, a “banana hammock” is ... well, just Google it (but be warned, it’s kind of NSFW). A BananaHama, on the other hand, is one of the latest attempts at a more comfortable bicycle. Its long curved frame is kind of reminiscent of a banana, and instead of a conventional saddle, it has a little hammock.

First of all, don’t go expecting to see a BananaHama Bike on a highway or singletrack trail anytime soon. Created by metal designer Brent Ingram in sunny Los Angeles (where else?), these are very much intended to be laid-back comfort bikes.

Besides their reportedly very butt-friendly seating arrangement, BananaHamas also feature feakishly-long upright handlebars (so no hunching over is required), plus their almost-recumbent orientation allows riders to firmly place their feet on the ground when stopped – not unlike bikes currently already being offered by companies such as Electra.

The BananaHama Beach Cruiser, with optional canopy

Plans call for three main models of BananaHama to be produced – the 18-speed Beach Cruiser, the more street-riding-oriented 27-speed Urban, and the more toddler-oriented Mini tricycle. A Custom option will also be available, for buyers who don’t think that an off-the-rack BananaHama is quite eye-catching enough. Optional extras include a sunshade canopy, a surfboard-carrying mount, and a faux fur-lined hammock/seat.

Ingram and his team are currently raising production funds, on Kickstarter. Assuming that the funding goal is met, a pledge of US$175 will get you a Mini, $680 will get you a Beach Cruiser, and an Urban can be yours for $1,100.

The various models can be seen in action in the pitch video below. If you like the idea of the hammock seating but want something even more unusual, you can also look into getting yourself an ultra-bizarre Pedersen bike.

Sources: BananaHama, Kickstarter

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Good concept.
This is really a pleasant beach bike for people with a casual relaxed approach to life .
Hope it becomes more popular.
I would like to try one out.
Idea vs. application Just what a rider wants a large piece of material to chaff the inner thighs. A sling seat is already available, combine with strap/sling backrest (a la office chair) same concept better outcome and airflow.
Joe Blake
Many of the riders in the video are not getting their legs fully extended which will reduce the amount of energy transferred to the pedals. Sure it's only a slow cruiser machine, but taking note of the Wiki article on the Dursley bicycle, manufacturers of this machine will have to produce frames in many different sizes to accommodate the lack of seat height adjustment, or bottom bracket adjustment, which will probably push the cost up. They perhaps should look to the Roulandt Recumbent from the 1980s which had an adjustable bottom bracket with a track of about 100 mm.
Michael Crumpton
It seems like he has reinvented the recumbent bike. From the way all the riders are weaving around it does not look terribly stable.
The Skud
I would go for the side-to-side idea for a hammock seat to avoid inner leg chafing. A smallish double riser would support both ends and might be less visible, being a little thinner as only supporting roughly half the weight. It could still meet up high with a short crossbar, or completion of a 'U' shape to carry canopy and meet the backrest requirements.
I love it. Its time bicycle seats were made this way. My only fear is those two metal bars jutting out on both sides of my head.
Eric Burgmann
I have all the concerns stated by other but, in addition, I’m more than a little concerned about the front hammock support. It looks like a pointed object aimed directly at the riders crotch. I hope no one gets impaled in an accident.
William Volk
Funny thing is, I switched to Recumbents in 1994 ... when I was living in Manhattan Beach.
They HAVE to have seen at least one Recumbent on the bike path.
Joe Acerbic
Yup. looks more wobbly and less comfortable than any regular recumbent.