
Inline wheel attachment makes barrows more maneuverable

Inline wheel attachment makes barrows more maneuverable
The BeastBarrow attachment means that users only need to push the wheelbarrow around the construction site, not lift and push
The BeastBarrow attachment means that users only need to push the wheelbarrow around the construction site, not lift and push
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"With an adjustable rubber bushing and a pivot point similar to that of skate board, the more the wheelbarrow turns the more resistance the bushing provides therefore the wheelbarrow can turn without collapsing," say the designers
"With an adjustable rubber bushing and a pivot point similar to that of skate board, the more the wheelbarrow turns the more resistance the bushing provides therefore the wheelbarrow can turn without collapsing," say the designers
Alex and Brittany Lunt have been using prototype BeastBarrow attachments for a number of years, and have now launched on Kickstarter to fund mass production
Alex and Brittany Lunt have been using prototype BeastBarrow attachments for a number of years, and have now launched on Kickstarter to fund mass production
The Kickstarter reward does not include a wheelbarrow, so backers will have to buy one separately
The Kickstarter reward does not include a wheelbarrow, so backers will have to buy one separately
The BeastBarrow attachment means that users only need to push the wheelbarrow around the construction site, not lift and push
The BeastBarrow attachment means that users only need to push the wheelbarrow around the construction site, not lift and push
The BeastBarrow attachment can be fitted to almost any wheelbarrow
The BeastBarrow attachment can be fitted to almost any wheelbarrow
When not moving, the inline wheel flips below the bucket so that the wheelbarrow can rest on supports
When not moving, the inline wheel flips below the bucket so that the wheelbarrow can rest on supports
The BeastBarrow attachment helping to make light work of brick and tile transport
The BeastBarrow attachment helping to make light work of brick and tile transport
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Lugging heavy loads around a construction site or large garden in a wheelbarrow can be enough to leave you out of puff or in pain. The BeastBarrow attachment puts an extra wheel at the back that swivels into turns and takes some of the strain.

Currently funding on Kickstarter, the BeastBarrow's makers reckon that the attachment can be fitted to almost any wheelbarrow. Its inline wheel provides support for heavy loads while also giving the barrow nimble turning power thanks to a patented swivel mechanism – which should make for a maneuverable, stable two- or three-wheel barrow.

"With an adjustable rubber bushing and a pivot point similar to that of skate board, the more the wheelbarrow turns the more resistance the bushing provides therefore the wheelbarrow can turn without collapsing," the designers explained.

The user will have to lift up the barrow before moving off, to lock the rear wheel in place under the bucket to support the load, but after that it's just a case of pushing, not pushing and lifting as you would with a standard wheelbarrow. This should make getting from A to B with a bucket full of sand or rubble a little easier on the back.

The BeastBarrow attachment helping to make light work of brick and tile transport
The BeastBarrow attachment helping to make light work of brick and tile transport

Once the user arrives at the drop off point, the wheelbarrow is lifted again to pop the rear wheel back under the bucket and allow the wheelbarrow to rest on the supports.

The folks behind the BeastBarrow, Alex and Brittany Lunt, say that they've been using the attachment for years, but in prototype form only. They now want to mass produce and have launched on Kickstarter to help with funding.

Pledges for a BeastBarrow attachment and wheel start at US$275, though the mechanism doesn't come with a wheelbarrow so backers will have to buy that separately. If all goes to plan, shipping is estimated to start in November. The Lunts overview the design in the video below.

Sources: BeastBarrow, Kickstarter

BeastBarrow - Patented In-Line Wheel Device for Wheelbarrows

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Joke for a price. You can buy a quality wheel barrow for $50 and you want to ask $275 for a 2nd wheel for it? Get real.
The price is outrageous.
Yeah, the price seems out of line.
That said, perhaps these folks should add an adjustable handle system- I noticed the guy is still bending over as he pushes the load- rough on the lower back.
If you are using a wheelbarrow properly, balance your load over and almost in front of the wheel. Load is balanced and you only have to overcome the rolling resistance as the load is all but taken out of the equation by Greek mathematicians. Like the idea these guys have come up with but wonder if dual wheels at the back would be a better option to take tipping out of play. Lost a few loads over time when things got away from me.
If you're so weak you can't handle a load on a wheel barrow, you don't need a wheel barrow.
Multi-wheel (2, 3, 4) wheelbarrows exist already.
True, non pivot.
Adding a wheel at the rear adds weight to the lift.
Since I live on steep terrain, I hoped for a wheelbarrow with a brake. There are dollies with a brake on the axle.
But, past wheelbarrows with brakes have apparently not sold well. Since wheelbarrows are very cheap, it's a difficult market to innovate in.
Thank you for the article, Paul, and thank you all for the comments. I can be a little negative, too, about things I'm not familiar with. VincentWolf, don't bother putting it on a $50 wheelbarrow. The Jackson wheelbarrow I'm using is over $100. We nearly stole the show at the SEBC in Kissimmee, FL today and yesterday. There's an early bird special for the attachment for $220 on Kickstarter. We're also offering a wheelbarrow and attachment for $300 through Kickstarter. Thank you, Kpar, we're working on a handle height adapter. Remember, we're a startup company. I just received the patent in May and formed the company a few weeks ago. We're doing the best we can and will do even better with the support of others. Several concrete companies and brick masons are using them regularly in Tallahassee. CHECK US OUT ON CNN Espanol. They recognized the attention we were getting at the conference. http://www.cnn.com/videos/spanish/2017/07/27/cnnee-pkg-digital-original-en-marcha-accesorio-para-mejorar-carretillas-beastbarrow.cnn