
Belkin's Conserve Surge helps reduce power consumption

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Belkin Conserve Surge with Timer turns off non-essential office equipment, saving on energy costs
Belkin Conserve Surge with timer has two outlets for essential office equipment and six for electronics that can be turned off
The monitor will warn the user before turning off electronics
Belkin Conserve Surge with Timer turns off non-essential office equipment, saving on energy costs
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We first looked at Belkin’s Conserve Surge protector early last year. The company has just released a new version that includes a clever automatic timer to control power usage. The surge protector has eight outlets – two keep PCs and critical devices permanently on, while the other six outlets are automatically turned off after 11 hours. This allows you to power down non-essential office equipment at night and on weekends, which will save energy and money.

Even when office machines are in “standby” mode, they still use energy, making it difficult to determine whether it’s your monitor or speakers that are keeping the electricity meter clicking over. The Conserve Surge with Timer lets you keep vital equipment continually running while giving other, less important devices, an overnight rest.

To activate the devices in the “auto off” outlets, you simply press the on/off switch. If you happen to be pulling an all-nighter, the blinking LED light on the button will alert you that machines are about to be turned off. Then, if required, you simply turn them on again.

In a perfect world, every employee would turn off all non-essential office equipment before they went home. Consider the power savings for businesses if this device was used on all office workstations where most work is completed during a five-day week. Even if you work from home, this device could assist you to conserve energy and money and, at just USD$34.99, it might pay for itself before too long. See Belkin for more information.

Via Coolest Gadgets

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I can see this becoming quite the pain in the butt for most workers. I don't know about you, but my job certainly isn't a 9-5 job! If my computer, monitor or other peripherals turned themselves off with no warning ( says that an LED will blink oto inform you that the device will turn off, but who here has a power-strip on their desk? Mine is on the floor stuffed behind a bunch of cables and I never even look at the thing. A blinking LED tells me nothing on the floor!) And most employees put their computers into stand-by or hibernate mode when they leave for the day...I do this so I can start the next day where I left off. If this thing suddenly dropped power to my computer, my running apps would fail and I know that there would be hard drive file corruption! And for $35, most power is purchased at 11 cents per kilowatt hour...that\'s 0.011 cents per hour per watt. That means it would take over 450 days just to break even on this device, if it is off for 10 hours per day. What a waste of time and effort! Ed
I think you missed a couple important details on the Conserve Surge: it has TWO plugs that do NOT turn off automatically... keeping your computer powered 24/7, for example (whether in standby or hibernate mode).
If you look at the picture, there is a dongle, that would sit on your desk and allow you see it blinking as a reminder of auto-shutoff pending on peripherals, and doubles as the power switch.
Payback time might take a while, but I've got outlet strips I've used for years, and for high wattage items, it would have paid for itself already, and then the savings just keep adding up for years to come.
Of course, this isn't to be used for a single lamp or something like that... just high-drain peripherals where it would be nice to be able to shut down the majority of them with a remote dongle switch and/or 11 hour timer. I for one only put in a 10 hour day (7am to 5pm), so this would be ideal for powering (down) the dual monitors, external hard-drive, speaker system, digital recorder recharger, PDA cradle, cell phone charger...
Easy as pie.
Regards, Doc