While bicycle repair stands certainly come in handy, they can be rather awkward to bring on road trips, or to set up in small apartments. The Hangar Connect offers a more compact alternative, as it simply gets clamped onto whatever's at hand.
Manufactured by Arizona-based startup Altangle, the Hangar Connect consists of an anodized aluminum shaft with heavy-duty aluminum clamps at either end. One of those clamps grabs onto the bike's seat post, while the other takes hold of a railing, sign post, van ladder or pretty much anything else that's sufficiently sturdy and stable.
Each clamp has a maximum 2.7-inch (69-mm) opening, and can be rotated relative to the shaft to sit either vertically or horizontally – a locking pin keeps them firmly in that orientation.
Once the clamps are in place, the user tightens them down by turning their handles. Grippy thermoplastic rubber inserts keep the clamps' jaws from scuffing the bike and the support surface.

The whole Hangar Connect reportedly tips the scales at 3 lb (1.4 kg), and is designed for use with bikes weighing up to 55 lb (25 kg). It's available now via the Altangle website, priced at US$225.
You can see it in use, in the video below.
Source: Altangle