
AI becomes an unlikely wildlife warrior

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AI facial recognition could help save the embattled Tasmanian devil species
AI facial recognition could help save the embattled Tasmanian devil species
A curious wombat and her joey grab a family snap in the Southern Highlands, New South Wales
Grant Linley/Charles Sturt University

Young western grey kangaroo, fittingly at home on Kangaroo Island, which was ravaged by fire in 2019-2020
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

A rare sight of a short-beaked echidna on two legs in the Southern Highlands, NSW
Grant Linley/Charles Sturt University

Young koala in the NSW Blue Mountains
Science for Wildlife

The camera captured an echidna train, a courtship ritual in which a female leads a 'train' of males until she picks a suitable mate
Science for Wildlife

A brushtail possum goofs around at night on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

Wedge-tailed eagle on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

Hoo-hoo me? An owl delivers one of the best selfies of the project so far on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

Rather wet eastern grey kangaroo on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

Western grey kangaroo family on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

A wombat joey finds a handy hiding spot under Mom, in the NSW Blue Mountains
Science for Wildlife

Melinda Kerr from the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute (left) and Dr Emma Spencer from WWF-Australia check a sensor camera in the Blue Mountains as part of the Eyes on Recovery project
WWF-Aus/Paul Fahy

Koala and joey on the move in the NSW Blue Mountains
Science for Wildlife

Swamp wallabies in the NSW Southern Highlands
Grant Linley/Charles Sturt University

The elusive dunnart, snapped on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

An inquisitive western grey kangaroo on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

Dingo pups in East Gippsland, Victoria
Southern Ark

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With the world in a state of unrest as to what impact AI will have on our working life, there’s one job it’s claiming – and scientists are more than happy to hand it over. The technology is proving to be an unlikely hero in conservation, sorting through millions of camera-trap images to accurately identify animal species in a fraction of the time it would have previously taken human eyes (and with poorer results).

In the first of two major projects, researchers from Turkey’s Near East University and the Tasmanian state government in Australia have rolled out AI software that can instantly identify if one of the carnivorous marsupials has devil facial tumor disease (DFTD).

This transmittable parasitic cancer spreads across the animal’s face, making it difficult for them to feed, with many starving to death. A narrow gene pool and an enthusiasm for run-ins with fellow devils over food, mating and territory has seen the fatal cancer ravage the endangered species. While a vaccine has been in development for some time, right now the best intervention is being able to identify and isolate infected animals.

Which is where AI comes in. Using U-Net and Resnet-18 neural network image-recognition tools, researchers were able to sort through images to not just spot the Tasmanian devils but classify whether facial lesions were DFTD or just common injuries incurred by fighting with each other.

From 1,250 images, the AI was able to identify 961 healthy and 289 diseased devils, with an accuracy of 92.4%. This automated, fast and reliable system that enables an almost real-time response might prove key to saving this species from extinction.

AI is also being used to identify wildlife and observe how nature recovers from devastating natural disasters. It’s estimated up to three billion animals perished in the 2019-2020 Australian summer bushfires.

A unique partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Google’s AI platform Wildlife Insights, the Eyes On Recovery project is tracking nature’s recovery, and it’s so far gathered more than seven million images from hundreds of cameras set up in the fire-ravaged regions.

The AI has been trained with more than three million images of Australian animals, and has identified, with over 90% accuracy, more than 150 species so far – including the endangered Kangaroo Island dunnart, a mouse-like marsupial that even researchers have trouble picking out in camera-trap images.

A curious wombat and her joey grab a family snap in the Southern Highlands, New South Wales
Grant Linley/Charles Sturt University

“The new Wildlife Insights AI model has dramatically reduced the time ordinarily required to process camera trap images,” said Emma Spencer, WWF-Australia program coordinator for Eyes on Recovery. “Having a computer do the arduous task of removing blank images from the data, and identifying important species, many of our partners are reporting at least a five- to 10-times increase in their image processing speeds. That means data which usually takes 500 hours to sort, is now being processed in around 100 hours.”

The camera captured an echidna train, a courtship ritual in which a female leads a 'train' of males until she picks a suitable mate
Science for Wildlife

While adorable animal selfies abound, the tech has the potential to give scientists an insight into wild animal populations like never before, and could also be used to monitor invasive species and sites proposed for development or mining.

The Tasmanian devil study was published in the CSIRO journal Wildlife Research.

Citizen scientists can get involved in gathering data, too, setting up wildlife cameras as part of the worldwide Wildlife Insights model.

You can view some of the highlights so far from the Eyes on Recovery project in this gallery. And for more, check out the video below.

Source: WWF

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