
BMW enlists HTC Vive VR for new vehicle development

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BMW has turned away from expensive specialist VR gear, instead using consumer equipment in its development process
The HTC Vive is BMW's VR headset of choice
BMW has turned away from expensive specialist VR gear, instead using consumer equipment in its development process
VR is used in conjunction with physical elements for a complete life-like experience
By using regular consumer technology, BMW's developers are able to implement and test modifications with feedback from teams around the world
BMW uses audio to closely mimic the experience of being in an actual car
BMW demonstrates its use of VR technology
The Vive headset is coupled with HTC's laser-based Vive Lighthouse tracking system
BMW is planning on constantly updating its VR hardware as new tech becomes available
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BMW has introduced consumer virtual reality technology into its vehicle development process. Instead of needing expensive specialized facilities to use VR technology, the automotive giant is taking advantage of the HTC Vive's impressive capabilities for fast-turnaround interior modeling feedback.

By using regular consumer technology, BMW's developers are able to implement and test modifications with feedback from teams around the world, using a VR headset in their own local offices. By combining VR with physical and audio elements, the goal is to simulate a regular drive while testing whether a display or specific part of the cabin can be seen clearly from certain seating positions and viewing angles.

Once potential modifications or new designs have been CAD modeled, designers are able to sit in a reusable interior assembly which makes what they're seeing through the VR headset feel real, while precisely channeled engine and road noise round out BMW's attempts to immerse testers in a life-like environment.

By using regular consumer technology, BMW's developers are able to implement and test modifications with feedback from teams around the world

Currently, the Vive headset is coupled with HTC's laser-based Vive Lighthouse tracking system covering 5 x 5 meters (16 x 16 ft), while graphics are run smoothly at 90 frames per second thanks to Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4.

Although the system currently relies on high-end, water cooled gaming computers with an Intel Core i7 and two Nvidia Titan X graphics cards, one of the major benefits of running consumer hardware is the pace at which development occurs. BMW will constantly upgrade and update the various components in its system as faster ones become available.

Source: BMW

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