October 31, 2006 Lego’s colourful interlocking plastic bricks are one of the most successful toys of all time, no doubt offering early inspiration to many successful architects, designers and creative thinkers. How successful? Well, on average, everyone on earth possesses 52 LEGO bricks and the design is soon to celebrate its 50th birthday. Now Lego is entering a new phase of cooperation with an equally well-known brand in the form of Bosch – the two recently announced a partnership to create the first dishwasher for plastic toys and dishes. Thanks to the specially developed LEGO 40 °C wash program, building blocks, rattles and other playthings can be gently washed to remove all the germs gathered during active duty on the floor. The LEGO bricks can be washed in a special removable storage basket in the shape of a red “ToyBox” which sits securely in the bottom basket.
“We are expecting this cooperation between two blue-chip brand names not just to achieve positive image transfer, but also to help us reach an attractive target group via entirely new communication and sales channels,” says Helmut Sailer, Marketing Manager for Bosch Home Appliances. A campaign brochure and POS advertising collateral guarantee an attention-grabbing sales promotion campaign. This collaboration between two major players is bound to build healthy sales!
And the LEGO Edition appliances can bring other functions into play too: The auto3in1 system ensures optimum results with all detergents, with program options from auto 55-65 °C and Eco 50 °C to “Prewash”. And when time really is tight, the Vario-Speed function lets you fire up the “Turbo”. At the press of a button, most of the programs can be switched to double speed – naturally with the same exceptional cleanliness and gleaming finish, as evidenced by the three “A” ratings boasted by the appliance, for outstanding energy efficiency, cleaning and drying performance.
Each new LEGO dishwasher comes complete with a large LEGO gift set, so they can boost their average of 52 bricks with an additional 500 or so.
The LEGO Edition freestanding dishwasher will retail for EUR649, while the Built-under dishwasher costs EUR 749 and the Integrated dishwasher version will cost EUR 849. Europe only at this stage.