
Britepack motion sensitive LED backpack

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Britepack backpack
Britepack backpack
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December 6, 2007 Tomorrow Incorporated has released a fun new backpack for kids. Triggered by movement or impact, the Britepack sets off a pattern of LED lights and shuts off when it's not in motion. In addition to being a cool novelty for kids, the lights are also an added safety feature allowing drivers to be able see the wearer more easily in traffic or other low-light conditions.

Whilst parents are more concerned about ergonomics and the physical effects of carrying heavy books, kids are more concerned with looking good. The Britepack combines the two points of view by offering a wheeled version that combines safety and a little fun with the red lights that flash around the border of the bag. Britepack is also available in unwheeled for those lighter loads and the bags come in various designs.

Prices are USD$20 (non-wheeled) and $25 (wheeled) for the toddler size and USD$39.99 (non-wheeled) and $45 (wheeled) for the adult size. Britepack comes with two AA batteries and last up to six months. You can check out the YouTube video to see the bag in action.

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