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Burglar Blaster alarm greets intruders with pepper spray

Burglar Blaster alarm greets intruders with pepper spray
The Burglar Blaster is a home security system that uses pepper spray to incapacitate intruders (Photo: Heracles Research Corp.)
The Burglar Blaster is a home security system that uses pepper spray to incapacitate intruders (Photo: Heracles Research Corp.)
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The Burglar Blaster is a home security system that uses pepper spray to incapacitate intruders (Photo: Heracles Research Corp.)
The Burglar Blaster is a home security system that uses pepper spray to incapacitate intruders (Photo: Heracles Research Corp.)

This is one home security alarm you won't want to trigger by mistake! Burglar Blaster mounts on a wall inside the home, and once armed, uses an infrared beam to detect when an intruder has entered the house. It then emits a cloud of pepper spray, that will severely inconvenience anyone within 2,000 square feet (186 square meters).

The Burglar Blaster runs for up to four years on a set of eight C cell batteries, so it requires no electrical skills to install. Its 4-ounce (118-ml) pepper spray canister has a shelf life of three years, and can be replaced without tools.

As with other types of home security systems, users arm the Blaster, then have a set amount of time in which to leave their home before it kicks in. When it detects an intruder, the device will first emit a warning tone. This gives homeowners who accidentally trigger the Blaster a chance to disarm it before the spray is released. Its creators claim that because of the high frequency of the tone, intruders won't be able to trace the sound to its source.

If it should go off, the oleoresin capsicum aerosol (pepper spray) should dissipate within three to four hours. Hopefully the burglar will be gone by that time, and not waiting around to exact revenge on the person responsible for their dousing.

The Burglar Blaster is made by Heracles Research Corporation, and costs US$600.

Via Geek Alerts

Michael Mantion
They should ad a ultraviolet stain in the spray so not only do they get sprayed but then they can be Identified later,
Kenny Creed
I did this 18 years ago. NO. the pepper spray doesn\'t disperse in a few hours. It stays hidden in every nook and space for weeks. Ask me how I know...
Gerry Flood
This is likely illegal, especially in Michigan. It\'s classified as an \'ambush\' product and if the bad guy gets hurt, you are liable. Typically, the unit contains more gas at a higher % than state law permits for a person to own. Only cops can possess larger cylinders and higher % of gas. I also attempted to market a similar product and the Attorney General of Michigan shot me down. As did my liability insurance company. lot\'s of luck.
Booth McKeown
I remember years and years ago a man living in a rural area had trouble with breakins at one of his outbuildings. He rigged a shotgun so it blasted whoever opened the door. He winged the burglar, but was convicted himself of attempted manslaughter. Granted the pepper spray isn\'t lethal force, but I think it would fall in the same category, unfortunately. If you don\'t have any business being where you are (i.e., breaking into someone else\'s car or house) you deserve whatever comes at you.
Facebook User
I find this product VERY interesting and will be looking into it for our company! Will also look into how this is sold, if it is.. in the cities/states where pepper spray is illegal? Self Defense Products Florida
Matt Rings
Best legal \"automatic\" burglar defense system while you are away is a large Pit Bull or Doberman...and a monitored alarm system with video/text alerts to your smart phone.
Put the dog warnings on all the doors and windows... the thieves will head down the street to someone easier...
Given that my house, office and car burglar alarms have only ever been triggered by accident, rather than an actual burglar, I would expect a product like this to have the sole effect of periodically blinding it\'s owner and their friends.
Lynda Anne Robertson
Unintended Consequences :)
Charles Gage
I would be surprised if this is legal in some States. In Maine, there is a law against "man-traps" and this might be construed as "excessive force" to protect just property. If you were protecting a human life, that's another issue. But, to use this kind of harmful force might be excessive.
Years ago, there was a system that completely fogged the area with a non-toxic fog preventing people from seeing their hand in front of their face. This helped deter store break-ins that were very much the "snatch and run" type. Once the fog cleared, the criminal often was found sitting on the floor, not knowing what to do. The police hauled them away. Haven't heard much about that system lately.
Chuck Chipner
This is such a cool invention. I am in the market for a home security system for my Edmonton home, and I happened to stumble on this article. I think the pepper spray in it is such a great feature, and I am curious if anyone has ever used one and has a personal experience they can share?