
ColorPhase camo changes color with the season

Cabela's ColorPhase Insulated Hooded Jacket, in its "warm" phase
Cabela's ColorPhase Insulated Hooded Jacket, in its "warm" phase

Unlike camouflage clothing, the forest doesn't stay the same color year-round. This means that if hunters are really serious about blending in, they have to buy both green and brown camo ... unless, apparently, they're wearing Cabela's new color-changing ColorPhase apparel.

According to Cabela's, "ColorPhase is the world's first camouflage clothing to be printed with rapid-change, temperature-activated dye." This means that when it's warmer outside, in the spring and summer, the fabric is primarily green. As the temperature drops below about 65ºF (18ºC), however, that green starts changing to brown – just like the vegetation does in the fall, although 65º seems a little warm for fall.

And yes, things like body heat, moisture, sunlight and cool winds can indeed also cause it to change color. Remember those Hypercolor T-shirts?

ColorPhase items include caps, gloves, pants, shirts and jackets, ranging in price from US$20 to $80. The color-changing feature is demonstrated in the video below.

Source: Cabela's via Popular Science

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Derek Howe
That's pretty d*mn cool.
Would that then make the garment... "camodaptic" ?
The Skud
Very clever, but if a sudden cold snap or warm air current hits your area, do you stand out like a hi-viz jacket wearer? i.e. you are the only one wearing a nice green in a sandy dead-grass area or the opposite (autumn brown) in a lush green area?
The vast majority of animals are color blind and cool camo clothes are sold for the benefit of the hunter, not the hunted. As far as I know turkeys are the only hunted animals who see color.
I think the best camo is that bright orange vest they make hunters wear. After all, they claim animals are color blind and can't see it! Now you would be invisible!
as always with clothers worn as camo (hunters and photograpers both do this) as always DO NOT WASH WITH COLOR BRIGHTNER DETERGENTS. AVOID NON BLEACH WHITNERS. unless you want to glow in the eyes of animals. remember they have a different spectrum of sensitivity than we decrepid hominids.
"The vast majority of animals are color blind and cool camo clothes are sold for the benefit of the hunter, not the hunted.
As far as I know turkeys are the only hunted animals who see color.
MikeFromHC" this is only partially correct. deer can not see reds. The rods and cones that respond to that color are not present in their eyes, so orange shows to them as a faded yellow. they do see more into the ultraviolet than we do,They do see movement VERY well, and can see all but roughly 60 degrees behind their heads. So even the best camo looks somewhat blue gray to them, and yes, avoid any soap that claims to "brighten colors" with ultraviolet enhancers. On the other hand, washing with any hypoallergenic will do nicely, and is much cheaper than "hunter's soap"s of any kind. (It just means it does not have anything added to the soap, like scents, or enhancers) Squirrels will see you plainly, but are too stupid to remember it for long. move slowly and quietly, and you will bag your limit. Turkey see as well as eagles, and if they could smell well, you would never get near them. (turkeys almost became out national bird) Rabbits and pheasants can see you plainly, but panic when they think they have been spotted. Color blind, does not mean to all color. just to some colors. My father can not tell two colors apart (which two does not matter here) . So yes, deer do see browns, greens, yellows, and every other color, except they can not see the red portion of other colors.
I am a hunter, and proud of it.