
Century Gothic is the 'greenest' font

If you're looking for an easy way to make your contribution to saving the planet, then it could be as simple as switching your font to 'Century Gothic'. University of Wisconsin - Green Bay (UWGB) has rolled out the change this semester, saying it uses 30% less ink than its default font Arial when printed.

Century Gothic is apparently even more economical than a well-known "eco-font", and when printer ink can cost US$10,000 a gallon it's a great eco-friendly initiative that not only helps the planet but also saves money.

UWGB is keen to minimize use of its resources with the aim of being more environmentally conscious and has committed to a five year plan to "go green". Director of Computing and Information Technology Diane Blohowiak is head of the committee that implemented the decision, and students and staff returned to campus after spring-break to find their default e-mail typeface had made the switch.

So far everybody seems content with the change, and hopefully the ease of this cost-saving green initiative will see more people going "gothic".

Via The Register via Wisconsin Public Radio.

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Peter Martin
There was that Meccano one with the holes being touted, too. Though it did look \'odd\'
So where does one find/get this \"super\" font?
Interesting. And not printing saves all the ink.
I do believe that the well intentioned font is Century Gothic Italic, not Regular, Bold or Bold Italic. Thankyou very much.
Todd Dunning
I read that Al Gore bought up 300,000 shares of Century Gothic Inc. last month before warning the public of this most inconvenient font issue.
You cannot miss the fact that Polar Bears use neither bold fonts or computers. Obviously they care more about the planet than we. The science is settled that it is greedy, selfish mankind who is behind the destruction of the planet with his mindless exploitation of Serif fonts and underscores.
Facebook User
Adobe has the entire Century Gothic font family in their Font Folio collections.
How to change your default font in explorer (if you happen to print out webpages occasionally).
Century Gothic is in Word as well. Use it frequently. Nice Font d;-)
Robert in Vancouver
Todd wrote: \"I read that Al Gore bought up 300,000 shares of Century Gothic Inc. last month before warning the public of this most inconvenient font issue.
You cannot miss the fact that Polar Bears use neither bold fonts or computers. Obviously they care more about the planet than we. The science is settled that it is greedy, selfish mankind who is behind the destruction of the planet with his mindless exploitation of Serif fonts and underscores.\"
Todd, stop picking on Al Gore. After all, he invented the internet!! And now he is going to save the world - as long as he\'s allowed to scam a few (more) billion dollars from our pockets (eg. the cap & trade scheme he has going with Goldman Sachs).