A team of researchers recently presented a font called Sans Forgetica, claiming it helps enhance memory. UK and New Zealand researchers have now put the font to the test, and reveal, while it may be difficult to read, it doesn't enhance memory.
ScienceScientists in Australia have developed a new gap-ridden font designed to help students remember what they read by filling in the blanks, dubbed Sans Forgetica.
While it's already possible to relay information via barcodes or QR codes, those codes are entirely visible when included in a document. Using Columbia University's FontCode system, however, users can hide messages within unrelated text via virtually-invisible changes to the displayed letters.
Abelardo Gonzalez has created an open-source font to help people with dyslexia read more easily.
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay (UWGB) has switched their default email font to Century Gothic as it uses 30% less ink than default font Arial when printed.
Be of no doubt that the Toyota IQ is a landmark automobile. It may look like another city car, but it's the first genuine luxury super compact...
September 15, 2006 Xerox Corporation scientists have developed a digital printing font so tiny that you need a magnifying glass to read it. The new MicroText S