
Dual-monitor laptop setup boasts simple connection and multiple uses

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The S2 is claimed to have much sturdier hinges than other fold-out monitor systems, plus it doesn't require magnets or anything else to be applied to the laptop
United Monitors of America
The S2 in 180º Flip mode
United Monitors of America
The S2 in Portrait mode
United Monitors of America
The S2 all folded down
United Monitors of America
The S2 is claimed to have much sturdier hinges than other fold-out monitor systems, plus it doesn't require magnets or anything else to be applied to the laptop
United Monitors of America
The S2 in Triangle mode
United Monitors of America
The S2 can draw power from the laptop's battery or be plugged into an electrical outlet
United Monitors of America
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If Apple made a dual monitor system for laptops, it might be a lot like the S2. The setup features aluminum construction, one-cord connectivity, and the ability to be used in five different configurations.

Currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign, the S2 is made by United Monitors of America.

It consists of two fold-out 1080p monitors that measure 14 inches across in the base S2 model, and 15.6 inches in the S2 Pro version. There's room for the Mac, Windows or Android laptop's screen to sit between them, although the system doesn't have to be used that way.

This is because the S2 is free-standing, and is physically connected to the laptop via just one USB-C cable. That design allows the S2 to be used in five configurations/modes.

The S2 in Portrait mode
United Monitors of America

First of all there's the default Panoramic mode, in which the S2's two screens flank the laptop's screen. In 180º Flip mode, one of those screens gets flipped around behind the laptop's screen facing outwards, allowing other people to see its display. Single-screen mode is much the same, although the flipped-around screen faces inwards, keeping its display hidden.

The S2 in Triangle mode
United Monitors of America

Next up is Triangle mode, in which the S2 is set up apart from the cable-connected laptop in a triangular shape, allowing people sitting around a table to see its two screens from two vantage points. Finally there's Portrait mode, wherein the S2 is folded in such a way that it presents one vertically oriented screen to the user.

In all five configurations, the S2's screens can duplicate the laptop's display, they can extend it, or one can duplicate it and one can extend it. Each of the screens are 6 mm thick, with the whole shebang reportedly tipping the scales at about 4 lb (1.8 kg) in the case of the S2 and 4.6 lb (2 kg) for the S2 Pro. Color choices include purple, yellow, green, black and "creamy peach."

Assuming the setup reaches production, a pledge of US$299 will get you an S2 (retail $619) while $319 is required for an S2 Pro (retail $649). Potential backers should note that a driver does initially have to be installed on the laptop.

The S2 is demonstrated in the following video.


Sources: Kickstarter, United Monitors of America

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