In ancient mythology, a hero is someonewho overcame their personal obstacles by developing and possessingvirtues, or by gaining powerful items that gave them the virtues theywere after. Ever wanted to be a real-life hero? Now you can, withCôVALENCE. Within every CôVALENCE bag, cloak, and holster is amodern virtue inspired by ancient wisdom, reimagined for the modernexplorer and adventurer.
Be The Hero

CôVALENCE Balance Bags embody thevirtue of Preparedness, and utilize behavioral-design to help yourbrain (specifically the hippocampus) keep track of your essentialswhen you are traveling, exploring, or in stressful environments likecity traffic. They are an ergonomic mobile pocket system for everyoutfit that give your brain a single point of reference to help keeptrack of your personal things that move around a lot like your keys,wallet, and phone, allowing you to enjoy the moment more with greatposture. Never drop your essentials and never get pick-pocketedagain. When we're prepared, we're truly independent.

The CôVALENCE Hydration Holster embodies the virtue of Resourcefulnessand is our fashion forward response to two universal human problems:Single-use plastic water bottles, one of the most polluted items inthe world, and staying hydrated in all environments we traverse.Instead of navigating your day with only one hand as the othercarries your water bottle, get both of them back while stayinghydrated with our Hydration Holster. Keep yourself hydrated andenvironmentally friendly while also looking fly.

With seamless comfort andfeature-packed design inspired by styles of the ancient world, theversatile unisex CôVALENCE Cloak embodies the virtue of Adaptabilitywith 4 different styling options for easy adaptation to rapidlychanging temperature conditions. The cowl neck is perfect for keepingyour nose and ears protected from cold weather or dust storms. Insidethe cloak, the comfortable spandex arm loops allow you freedom tomove around but also keep it tight to your form. Wear it forcommuting, traveling, and adventuring!
Find out how to get your hands on CôVALENCE Urban Adventure Apparel here.