Wellness & Healthy Living

New blood pressure tech says ciao to arm cuffs

New blood pressure tech says ciao to arm cuffs
The cuffless system offers a more patient-friendly alternative to this
The cuffless system offers a more patient-friendly alternative to this
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The cuffless system offers a more patient-friendly alternative to this
The cuffless system offers a more patient-friendly alternative to this

Generally, if a doctor wants to know a patient's blood pressure, they have to place a cuff around the person's arm and inflate it. Not only can this be uncomfortable for the patient, but it also only indicates what their blood pressure is at the time that the test is performed. That's why scientists at Australia's Monash University are developing an alternative – a cuffless blood pressure estimation system that is worn for hours at a time, wirelessly transmitting real-time readings.

First of all, this is isn't the only no-cuff system in existence. According to lead scientist Mehmet Yuce, however, it does have a key advantage.

"Existing technologies use an optical pulse wave or photoplethsmographic sensor at the radial artery or fingertip to measure the pulse wave to estimate blood pressure," he tells us. "We use radar technology […] It is easier and more comfortable for the human body because it does not present any pressure to the body."

The system incorporates a few small sensors that are worn against the skin at arterial sites, beneath the clothing. By measuring the amount of time that it takes pulsed blood to travel between those sensors, it's possible to ascertain the patient's "pulse wave velocity" and thus accurately estimate their blood pressure.

Yuce and his team are now working on converting the lab-based prototype to a compact internet-connected setup, and hope to begin commercialization soon. "The goal is to be able to provide monitoring for a continuous 24-hour period, and to be able to send that information to a doctor in real time," he says.

A paper on the technology was recently presented at the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, in Milan.

Source: Monash University

Mr. Hensley Garlington
I've always thought the cuff was a seriously outdated method, especially in a hospital environment. More accurate, more real time methods are needed, and the more wireless, the better. Less disturbing patients and less motions from staff required to diagnose and treat patients is always a good thing.
Bob Flint
Seems to me the wrist worn health monitors already do this?
Please consider me as a test subject.
Just Cause
Gizmag published an ultrasound blood pressure reader, years ago. Today nothing new on it :-(
Douglas Bennett Rogers
Still have two Casio blood pressure watches fro the '90's. One still works but used to work much better. Uses pulse width transit time. Need to put finger on IR sensor.
I'm ready for a new group of sensors to be used kinda like the Oxymeter I now use to detect the amount of Oxygen in my blood,I just put it on a finger and in a few moments I get my pulse and Oxygen saturation levels......I think "They" should be able to make a similar device for....Blood Pressure,and Blood Sugar,and Oxygen saturation,and temperature all in a wristband