
Get to know your dog with this award-winning DNA identification test

While our beloved dogs can't talk to us, there are ways of finding out more about them. The DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test helps you discover your dog's unique personality traits.

What kind of dog do you have? This question comes up often when we visit the dog park, walk our dog, or show pictures of our pup to friends. While we may not know the immediate answer, it's never been easier to determine your pet's breed specifications and unique personality traits. Uncover their DNA composition and even predisposition to diseases you would otherwise never know about with a simple swab of your pet's cheek.

The process is relatively simple. Start by swabbing your dog's cheek with the sterile applicator, send in the sample with the included mailing envelope, and patiently wait for the results. The DNA My Dog kit comes complete with a detailed report, ready in just two weeks after submitting your dog's sample. It brings you insights into your dog's genetic makeup, breed percentage levels, and any health concerns per breed to loop in your vet at your pet's next visit.

It is an excellent tool for any dog, especially if you've adopted a rescue and find their past a mystery. The kit has earned significant recognition and even won a GHP Biotechnology Award in 2020 for Leaders in Ethical Canine Genetic Testing.

As verified customer Ian Brock reviews, "What a great idea — learned so much about our rescue. I thought she was a Lab. She is a Boxer/Golden Retriever mix plus two other breeds. How can you beat that?"

Typically priced at $79, the DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test is $20 off and only $60. Find out more about your dog and help them live happier and healthier lives with this impressive kit.

Prices subject to change.

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