The XT camera system from Phase One comes in three parts. First there's an IQ4 back, then there's the camera body and out front one of three new lenses. The company says that the system is the "most compact digitally integrated field camera to date."
"The XT Camera System is designed to elevate both your creativity and image quality by providing the best possible components, in the smallest possible package with intuitive controls, all of which allows you to focus on the moment," said Phase One's Drew Altdoerffer.
Built around the company's IQ4 Infinity Platform, the system is made up of either a 150 MP Achromatic or 100 MP Trichromatic IQ4 camera back, a camera body that's been created specifically for this system, and one of three lenses fitted with an electromagnetic X-Shutter and made by partner Rodenstock.

Additional lenses will be added to the range over time but for the launch they shape up as the HR Digaron-S 23mm f/5.6, the HR Digaron-W 32mm f/4, and the HR Digaron-W 70mm f/5.6. The lenses offer 24 mm of shift movement on the X/Y axes that allows the photographer to correct perspective distortion, but can also be used to create high resolution panoramas.
The XT system is priced at US$56,990, and for that kind of money you'll get the IQ4 150 MP back, the XT body and a lens of your choice. Accessories and more features are in the pipe. Photographer Reuben Wu introduces the system in the video below.
Product page: XT