
MicroFusion Reactor lets you home-brew ethanol

The E-Fuel MicroFueler, used in conjunction with the MicroFusion Reactor
The E-Fuel MicroFueler, used in conjunction with the MicroFusion Reactor

A lot of people try to lessen the load on the local landfill by putting their organic waste in a compost heap, but soon there may be something else they can do with it – feed it to an E-Fuel MicroFusion Reactor. The new device, so we’re told, takes cellulosic waste material and breaks it down to nothing but sugar water and lignin powder within two minutes. The lignin powder can be used by pharmaceutical manufacturers (although it’s not clear how you’d get it to them), while the sugar water can be distilled into ethanol fuel. That’s where one of E-Fuel’s other products, the MicroFueler, comes in.

Aimed at both home users and businesses, the MicroFueler has been around since 2009. It distills sugar water obtained from organic waste into ready-to-use E-Fuel100 ethanol, which it can pump right into your car. You could also use the fuel in a generator, to provide household electricity. Unlike other ethanol production processes, the MicroFueler does not involve combustion, so is reportedly safe. While it can directly process sugar-rich liquids such as waste alcohol, it needs help breaking down cellulosic materials such as vegetable matter and wood... hence the need for prior processing by the MicroFusion Reactor.

E-Fuel appears to be holding off on releasing more information on the Reactor (including photos) until the product financing is in place.

In the meantime, should you be interested in the MicroFueler, you can purchase one from the company for US$9,995, plus at least $1,995 for a fuel tank. A $9.95 monthly network subscription fee is also required.

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Monthly subscription for what? This is the problem with all businesses, they are no longer content with 1 off sales and try to force engineer on-going revenue. Good for shareholders, lowsy for those that want to save money. So it goes in the west, we are all owned by shareholders and their board of directors. Such a shame, otherwise I\'d stump-up with the cash and reduce my environmental impact with this and similar technology. I long for the day where the best and most environmentally friendly energy sources are made widely available for a cheap price. Oh to be free of oil and coal!
So $12,000 plus $10 a month AND I have to buy feedstock from the company to make the ethanol. Ummm.....no.
Harold Garey
Re your article: MicroFusion Reactor, 9-16-10, when one distills a sugar-water mix, the water distills, leaving behind sugar, which will darked and eventually char with continued heat. There has to be a catalyst (e.g., yeast) to convert the sugar/sugar solution into ethanol. Breweries do this every day.
Fabian Rousset
Read it carefully and it says the $12,000 is for the MicroFueler, who knows how much the reactor will be. But gripe not at the monthly service fee if it makes financial sense, and you save 100s a month because of this, throw a bone to the dogs. They may have a regular cost to maintaining it, they may be using that method to bring the price down, who knows but it all comes down to how much am I going to save a month on gas, electricity, or what ever. If you have the neighborhood Micro Fueler in your backyard, you could potentially start a little Micro fuel station and make some money if you government lets you.
I don\'t see that it requires buying the ingredients from them, else how the bit about not using the landfill. Kudos for the mention about upkeep. Were talking celuose eth here, so there is certainly a proprietary system and enzyme where they will \"put the meter.\"
Facebook User
Build your own still with David Blume\'s book/instructions. Make your own ethanol from waste fruits, food, doughnuts, etc. Comes with a DVD full of info plans too.
The enzyme should be pretty powerful if it breaks it down in 2 minutes... wonder what it is.
Gregg Eshelman
Yet another product with \"fusion\" tacked onto the name, which has nothing at all to do with fusion, nuclear or otherwise.
When will Ford make a \"Fusion\" that\'s actually fusion powered? ;)
Michiel Mitchell
they have law's against this kind of thing here where i am.