
Disruptive offshore wind pyramid moves to real-world prototype testing

Disruptive offshore wind pyramid moves to real-world prototype testing
Build and maintain onshore, then tow it out and hook it up
Build and maintain onshore, then tow it out and hook it up
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T-Omega has deployed a 1/16th scale prototype of its revolutionary floating wind turbine design
T-Omega has deployed a 1/16th scale prototype of its revolutionary floating wind turbine design
Suspending the turbine from both ends means it doesn't have to be so massively overengineered
Suspending the turbine from both ends means it doesn't have to be so massively overengineered
The sea floor tether has enough slack to allow the turbine to float around passively to face the wind whichever direction it's blowing from
The sea floor tether has enough slack to allow the turbine to float around passively to face the wind whichever direction it's blowing from
Build and maintain onshore, then tow it out and hook it up
Build and maintain onshore, then tow it out and hook it up
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T-Omega's pyramid-based floating wind turbines are designed with the sole common-sense focus of keeping the cost of offshore wind down to an absolute minimum. With wave tank testing done, the company has now launched its first real-world prototype.

The idea is quite simple: get rid of the large central pole that offshore turbines have inherited from land-based units. A single central tower will only stay upright, reasons T-Omega, if you've got about four tons under the water for every one ton above the water. And given that wind power needs to scale up to become efficient and cost-competitive, that means an enormous amount of weight, a correspondingly high materials bill, and all manner of logistical issues around manufacturing, installation and maintenance.

T-Omega's idea replaces the massive single-sided pinwheel generators of traditional designs with a double-sided axle supported at both ends, and instead of a single tower reaching down to the waterline, you get four diagonal supports leading down to what's effectively a pyramid base, floated at its four corners. This is anchored to the sea bed with a bit of slack, allowing the whole thing to float around in response to changes in wind direction, passively orienting itself toward the wind at all times.

Suspending the turbine from both ends means it doesn't have to be so massively overengineered
Suspending the turbine from both ends means it doesn't have to be so massively overengineered

The benefits: vastly reduced upfront cost, thanks to hugely reduced materials, super-simple manufacturing and deployment without any need for specialized facilities, and a wind turbine so easy to install and unhook that you can just tow them back to a dock for maintenance. That vastly reduces operating costs, since you don't need massive crane ships and the like to get out there and fix things.

The company told us in September last year that it was targeting a Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) around US$50 per megawatt-hour, which would be "in the ballpark of the best fixed-bottom offshore wind available today."

Now, after wave tank testing of a 1/60th scale model that proved the design was capable of staying upright even if a full sized version was hit by freak 30-m (98-ft) waves, the company has moved to real-world testing with a 1/16th scale prototype.

T-Omega has deployed a 1/16th scale prototype of its revolutionary floating wind turbine design
T-Omega has deployed a 1/16th scale prototype of its revolutionary floating wind turbine design

The prototype was launched successfully off New Bedford, Massachusetts, earlier this week, where it will remain for an unspecified duration for evaluation.

A full-size 10-megawatt turbine would place a 198 m (650 ft) rotor, complete with variable pitch blades, on a 119-m (390-ft)-high pyramid with 70-m (230-ft) sides. T-Omega estimates the total system weight would be between 1,200 to 1,800 metric tons.

“Our team is thrilled to take this next step in launching our groundbreaking technology,” said T-Omega Wind CEO, Brita Formato. “Floating offshore wind is a critical energy source for reaching multiple state and federal goals by 2030. The offshore wind industry is facing well documented challenges. T-Omega Wind’s radically redesigned floating offshore wind turbine will solve most of the challenges in an elegant and cost-effective manner. Our technology presents significant cost reductions in both production and installation/maintenance, entirely manufactured domestically. We are excited to showcase this technology to the world’s largest offshore wind developers, and we aim for full utility scale deployments in the coming years.”

The sea floor tether has enough slack to allow the turbine to float around passively to face the wind whichever direction it's blowing from
The sea floor tether has enough slack to allow the turbine to float around passively to face the wind whichever direction it's blowing from

We look forward to seeing this company scale up and prove its technology in a commercial setting; the vast majority of the world's best wind resources are well offshore, in deep waters where ground-anchored towers are impractical to build. Cost-effective floating turbines like these could make a significant contribution.

Source: T-Omega

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great to see them taking the next step, I love the simplicity.
Instead of bolting the blades onto the hub, use a multi-start thread, as used in artillery breeches.
Do the four legs weigh more than a central shaft? Why not use one shaft with four legs at the base, with floats?
I think this wind turbine is better suited for 2 instead of 3 blades.
They are more efficient, lighter, cheaper etc.
The reason for using 3 blades, is because of the stress on the system that turns a traditional turbine into the wind, is much less then with a 2 bladed turbine.
Think about a ballerina doing a pirouette.
With arms stretched horizontal she turn slow, but arms in the air she speeds up dramatically.
This turbine does not have that system to turn the turbine and the large floats in the water will, I think, smooth out the speed change.

DBK's concern is reasonable. Sound absorbing materials could be used in strategic points, or even active sound cancelling, to reduce noise transmitted to the water.
Several problems with this. WTs only survive because because they limit the amount of turn the WT can do or precession in a wind shift will cause the blades to hit the tower/s, break axle, bearings.
Whether it uses less materials is up for debate as so many more tubes.
The 4 tons underwater comment only applies to a few WTs as most use buoyancy too.
Between climate change making the oceans more acidic, overfishing and plastic pollution, our oceans should be lifeless by midcentury.
newest atlasian
Call me a 'simple' sparky call me whatever you want but, once that tower has "rotated " 4 times in the same direction (Imagine something that size trying to go against the turn of the wind) err, what has happened to the rather large cable underwater? they what? Oh I see, they're using water tight slip rings on each multi kilovolt core . . . oh I laugh !!!
Why could they not use two props on that same axle? Rotate them 60 degrees relative to each other and reduce the radius of the blades.
Can you harvest the wave power as well?
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