If you’re like me, the idea of clothes shopping – let alone having to try on multiple sizes of shirts in a tiny dressing room – is downright tedious and a waste of my precious time. So you’ll understand my interest in the Fits.me virtual fitting room. It’s an online changing room where you simply enter your sizing statistics and a robotic mannequin models how various sizes will look on your torso – all from the comfort of your own home.
The Fits.me is a sizing solution developed for online retailers. By providing an online dressing room, it aims to help customers make more informed decisions about their online purchases, increase customer satisfaction and maybe reduce purchase returns due to incorrect sizing.

The customer enters their body measurements – chest, waist, height, arm length and torso type. Then the robotic mannequin proceeds to adjust to the exact size and shape of the customer. Now all that is left to do is to choose a size from small to extra extra large. The customer then sees photos of the mannequin modeling the various sizes of clothing. A front and side view and arm length information is also included. Want a shirt to fit more snugly around the chest? Decrease the shirt size and see what happens. Indulged a little too much lately? Increase the waist measurement and see how that sweater looks now.

At this stage, the Fits.me system is only available for men, but a female fitting room is expected soon. Could this signal the end of strangers taking your inner leg measurement? See Fits.me to try out the virtual fitting room.