New Cosmopower, a small Japanese company, has created a floating capsule to be used in the event of earthquakes or tsunamis. Following the devastating loss of life during the Tohoku earthquake in March this year, the "Noah" capsule was designed to preserve life in the face of another major catastrophe - just like its biblical namesake.
The bright yellow capsule, made from enhanced fiberglass, can house up to four adults and is water- and fire-resistant. It also features a porthole window, air vents, and a bright exterior for easy recognition in the water. "A yellow shelter is likely to be found because of the high luminance in the sea," says Cosmopower.
The shape of the shelter also provides a strong external surface, resilient to hits, shock and landslides.
The Noah capsule is now available from New Cosmopower, which is also in the process of developing a group capsule that will accommodate up to 12 adults.
Source: The Huffington Post
Although it will bob around like a cork - all the heavy timbers and things, in the giant washing machine called a tsunami - they can easily tear off the hatch.