
Water-soluble bags let dog waste get flushed

Water-soluble bags let dog waste get flushed
Flush Puppies are dog waste bags that dissolve when flushed down the toilet
Flush Puppies are dog waste bags that dissolve when flushed down the toilet
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Flush Puppies refills are also available
Flush Puppies refills are also available
As with most dog poop bags, Flush Puppies can be purchased with a wearable dispenser
As with most dog poop bags, Flush Puppies can be purchased with a wearable dispenser
Flush Puppies are dog waste bags that dissolve when flushed down the toilet
Flush Puppies are dog waste bags that dissolve when flushed down the toilet
Flush Puppies are dog waste bags that dissolve when flushed down the toilet
Flush Puppies are dog waste bags that dissolve when flushed down the toilet
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Dog poop bags have become so commonly used, it's hard to believe there was ever a time that dog-walkers typically let their pooches go Number 2 in parks or on other peoples' lawns, with no intentions of cleaning it up. While it's definitely a good thing that such is no longer the case (for the most part, at least), there's still the small matter of what happens to the bagged excrement once it's thrown away. Conventional bags keep it sealed inside, perhaps so that future archeologists can marvel at it when digging through our landfills. Even biodegradable bags take a long time to break down under certain conditions, and leave landfills full of untreated feces. Flush Puppies flushable doodie bags, however, reportedly allow dog poop to be flushed down the toilet, so it can be treated in a municipal sewage system.

The bags are made from water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol, which biodegrades into water and carbon dioxide when submerged. Although dog feces do contain a certain amount of water themselves, Flush Puppies are said to have a solubility point that keeps them from being dissolved by their stinky cargo before it gets flushed.

Once they have been sent on their way, the bags shouldn't have a problem getting through the pipes, even in houses with old plumbing. That said, the company recommends that homeowners not flush them if they have previously been warned not to flush supposedly "flushable" wet wipes. In such cases, the filled bags will just have to go the landfill, where they should at least break down relatively quickly.

More ambitious dog owners who aren't able to flush the bags, however, could try fermenting them and their contents, using the BokashiPetCycle pet waste fermentation system.

Flush Puppies are available online, at a price of US$8.97 for a pack of 60 8 x 10-inch (20.3 x 25.4 cm) bags.

Source: ThinkGeek

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Jess Mason
NO DON\'T FLUSH THEM PLEASE, For the Love Of SAGAN don\'t flush them !!!
Bill Bennett
lot's of dog walkers carry the bag and pretend they pick up sheet, I know I live next to a park, and walk my girlfriends embarrassing miniature Australian Shepard 12 pounds of FURY, Micky thinks he can kill anything, I also walk my Sons girlfriends 6 pound (oh he is so cute, sigh) Pomeranian, yes I pick up the two or three little finger sized pieces of poop, the loads are left by lazy people with big dogs.
Love the bit about archeologists!!! I can see the documentary of 50-100 years later discussing what left such strange messages lying around!!
What happened to the \"Pooper-Scooper\" of years gone by? is it still available?
Fred Raimondi
Who the hell wants to carry it home? I\'m looking for the nearest receptacle....
Doug MacLeod
I live in the countryside and here we suffer from the people from towns who come on a holiday, pick up their dogs doo in a plastic bag -just like they have been trained to do- then, when they find no bin, hang it on a bush.
Dog doo is already biodegradable, so putting it in a non-biodegradable bag makes the situation worse, not better.
A water soluble, flushable, bag is a good idea, especially in towns where there are few bins because you can then stuff the bag down a drain with a clear conscience.
Might need to be careful in the rain though ...
Why on earth would I use an 8 x 10-inch doggie bag for one poop then toss it in the sewer system? How big do the manufactures of this stupid product think a dog\'s poop is? How is this environmentally responsible?
These bags aren\'t just ridiculously huge, they\'re also dam expensive. Just stupid hype without any real benefit as far as I can tell.
I don\'t leave home without my Flush Puppies bags! I live in a subdivision that we have to pick up our dog\'s poop and I hate to see someone use grocery store bags! Flush Puppies bags are AWESOME and thank goodness someone is thinking of saving the planet!