Feast your eyes on what's sure to be three of the best-looking (possibly best, period) phones of 2015: the Samsung Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge and HTC One M9.

The Galaxy S6 and S6 edge are by far Samsung's most premium-feeling flagships. Sure, they're a little iPhone-esque, and they no longer have removable batteries or microSD card slots (not to mention they're going to be serious fingerprint magnets), but we think that's a fair price to pay to get those beautiful glass and aluminum slabs in your hands.

The HTC One M9 isn't a huge step forward from its M7 and M8 predecessors, but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't be a great phone. The aluminum One still has one of the smoothest designs in mobile, with one of the most tasteful Android UIs in HTC Sense 7, and a Snapdragon 810 processor keeping things zippy.
Feel free to thumb through our gallery for a closer look at the three flagships. And for a feature-by-feature breakdown of how the three size up, you can hit up our Galaxy S6 (and GS6 Edge) vs. HTC One M9 comparison.