August 23, 2005 A boy’s first wallet is a true Alladin’s cave – one of the true landmarks on the way to manhood, it is crammed full of many more “handy” things than it’s actually practical to carry. Adulthood wallets are even worse, being crammed with every version of credit, loyalty, membership, library, health insurance and now even building access cards plus topped up daily with receipts from every time you use one of those cards. There are times though when you don’t wish to carry a “hamburger with the lot” – when you want to feel svelte and free and minimalist. For such times, there’s the Jimi – Japanese for “simple” and in this case, a simple wallet. It’s cute, unbreakable and carries a few credit cards and some notes and it’ll disappear into a shirt or hip pocket without disrupting any lines.
Sometimes referred to as the anti-wallet it fits into the same category as the Tsaya phone holster for gals in being one of very few objects that can be described as sexy, fun AND practical.