Wellness & Healthy Living

Wing-cramping chemical boosts effectiveness of mosquito bed nets

Wing-cramping chemical boosts effectiveness of mosquito bed nets
Insecticide-treated bed nets both block and kill mosquitoes, although the most commonly used chemicals are becoming less effective
Insecticide-treated bed nets both block and kill mosquitoes, although the most commonly used chemicals are becoming less effective
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Insecticide-treated bed nets both block and kill mosquitoes, although the most commonly used chemicals are becoming less effective
Insecticide-treated bed nets both block and kill mosquitoes, although the most commonly used chemicals are becoming less effective

In many parts of the world, insecticide-impregnated bed nets are utilized not just to keep malaria-carrying mosquitoes from biting, but also to kill them. A new study now shows that such nets could be much more effective if a different type of chemical were used.

Currently, a class of insecticides known as pyrethroids are applied to bed nets for use in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. The idea is that when the insects make contact with the toxic fabric, they die on contact – or soon after. Unfortunately, though, mosquitoes are building up a resistance to pyrethroids, rendering the chemicals less lethal.

Seeking a better-acting alternative, scientists at Tanzania's National Institute for Medical Research looked to a pesticide called chlorfenapyr. Instead of killing mosquitoes outright, it causes their wing muscles to cramp, keeping them from flying. Because they can't fly to locate prey, they can't feed, so they end up starving to death.

Led by senior researcher Jacklin Mosha, the team conducted a study involving 4,500 children in the Misungwi district of Tanzania’s Mwanza region. Increasingly high levels of pyrethroid resistance have been reported in that area.

The children were divided into four groups, which each used either standard pyrethroid-treated bed nets; nets in which piperonyl butoxide was added to a pyrethroid, to boost the latter's potency; nets treated with a pyrethroid and pyriproxyfen, the latter of which sterilizes female mosquitoes; and nets treated with chlorfenapyr.

It was found that after 24 months, the group that slept beneath the chlorfenapyr nets every night had a 37-percent lower malaria infection rate than those that used either the standard or pyriproxyfen-boosted pyrethroid nets. The group that used the piperonyl-butoxide-boosted pyrethroid nets experienced a 27-percent reduction in malaria infection after the first 12 months, but that figure dropped to a level similar to that of the standard nets by the two-year mark.

"Based on this evidence, the national malaria control program and the WHO [World Health Organization] can update current national malaria control strategies and include a new effective tool," said Mosha. "It is essential, also, for funders and governments to fund these more effective tools."

Source: SciDev.Net

It's always tempting for the macho self-image to use chemicals that kill things immediately and directly, but that's not necessarily how the best pest controls work. Disable the pests, or prevent them from reproducing, and you get the same result. (There used to be an anti-roach spray that worked by messing with the roaches' life cycle, but apparently consumers didn't buy it because it didn't kill anything on contact.)
Malaria is just one of many extremely dangerous diseases/parasites carried by mosquitoes & it is keep gaining resistance against all kinds of medicines! We need to understand that the ONLY real solution is completely/globally eradicate all mosquitoes! Mosquitoes are carriers of many extremely dangerous diseases & parasites & they do NOT have any essential function in nature (which cannot be done by many other insects)! Today we already have tech that can eradicate all mosquitoes & so, all we really need is a global UN agreement to start the project!!!
Is it the net providing protection, or the chemical? Maybe people are being bitten in their daily lives.
So, what effect will the chemicals have on the person who is being protected by the chemically laden net? Perhaps their appendages will cramp too?