Many women find it difficult to lie on their stomach comfortably when their baby bump starts to expand - I have a beach-loving friend who dug holes in the sand to pop her pregnant tummy in. She would have loved the Holo – it’s an air mattress with a hole for your expanding stomach and you can use it to get comfy in the pool, at the beach, while watching television or when getting a well-deserved massage. Brilliant!

The idea for the Holo was conceived (pardon the pun!) by Emma Benson during her first pregnancy while she was on holiday in Spain. She wanted something she could use not only on holiday but also for relaxation at home.
To use the Holo on water, you’ll need to fully inflate both of the air chambers. You then position your body with your bump in the hole, ensuring that your hips are supported on the raised rim that surrounds the hole. You can also lie on your back or side on the Holo. It comes with a handy drawstring bag and you don’t need to deflate it fully when transporting it in your car, it will fit in most cars’ back seat foot-well by simply deflating the head rest.

The Holo is priced at GBP54 (approx. US$80 at time of publication) including delivery to the US. See Holo for more information.
Via Bambino Goodies