If you've seen Mad Max: Fury Road, then you'll be familiar with the tank-tracked Peacemaker chase vehicle. In fact, the Peacemaker was actually a modified Ripsaw, an off-road vehicle manufactured by Maine-based Howe and Howe Technologies. Although the movie version had a car body on top, the consumer/military version is open-topped. Now, however, Howe & Howe has announced the new-and-enclosed Ripsaw EV2 (Extreme Vehicle 2) – it's described as a "high-end luxury super tank."
Little is available in technical details right now, which is partly due to the fact that the EV2 will be made largely to individual buyers' specs.
We can tell you, however, that it has a power winch, gull-wing doors, a high-intensity light bar, 12 inches (30 cm) of suspension travel, and a diesel engine that puts out over 600 hp. It additionally has an interior that looks more like something out of one of the Batman movies than a Mad Max creation.

There are also no performance specs just yet, although the company does state that the original Ripsaw (which is the base of the EV2) is the fastest dual-tracked vehicle ever made. In the first of the two videos below, you can see that the EV2 is indeed pretty quick.
Should you be wanting one, you'd better be quick, patient and wealthy. Howe and Howe states that the Ripsaw EV2 will be made by hand in a limited run, each one taking up to six months to build, and costing "well into the 100s of thousands depending on desired luxury and performance packages."
Source: Ripsaw