This eye-catching pavilion is the result a collaboration between architectural firms Frentes and PAX.RQ, designed for this year's Mobilizarte Design Competition. Architects were given the challenge of creating a mobile cultural space that could be easily assembled, disassembled and transported for five years of use in ten different Brazilian cities. Comprised of three simple elements (scaffolding, prism towers and inflatable membrane) and transportable in two containers, the Mobile Cultural Mobilizarte takes five days to install and features an area size of 1,000 square meters (1,196 sq. yds.), expandable to 3,500 sq.m. (4,186 sq.yds.) - that's nearly as big as a football field.
Drawing inspiration from Brazilian culture, the pavilion design reflects traditional crochet, lace and patchwork quilts. Just like a good patchwork quilt, the pavilion serves to decorate and protect at the same time. The main membrane is made up of inflatable beams and a waterproof/UV-proof layer, and can be manipulated into various styles (twisted, tilted, tumbled, hung, laid, stretched, twirled etc.) to change its appearance and become a unique work of art. During the day, sunlight can filter through its transparent lace design, and at night, internal lighting can make the structure appear as if it is glowing.
Flexible in its proportions, the Frentes/PAX.RQ-designed pavilion can be installed as an independent space on various types of terrains (including slopes) or easily positioned around existing structures. The internal scaffolding can extend 10 meters (33 feet) high, while a waterproof 15 meter (49 foot)-high canvas prism serves as a vertical support and reference point for the pavilion, whilst also functioning as a film projection screen. This dominant white structure can display two films simultaneously, projected on either side of its main faces.
At the end of the day, the Mobile Cultural Mobilizarte gets all packed up into two shipping containers, and is ready to be transported to its next destination.
Source: Arch Daily