
LeapPad Learning adds voice recording and playback

Monday September 15, 2003 LeapPad have added interactive voice recording and playback capabilities to their range of children's learning tools.

The "Record & Play Microphone" is designed to involve children in the learning experiences by enabling them to record and play back their own voices in the context of LeapPad stories - by recording his or her name, the name of a best friend, favourite food or specific sounds like the letters of the alphabet or animal calls, then hearing them as part of the narrative, children can benefit from increased engagement and skill development.

You can learn over 70 skills with 2 books that are included. Topics range from reading, math, science, and much more!

All you have to do is attach the microphone cartridge to the Leap Pad player, and record words and sounds to personalise the books.

The first book, called Amazing Big Top Letter Circus, lets you be the ringmaster as you join Tad at the Letter Circus! It's fun to say and learn letter names and sounds - from acrobatic A's to zippy Z's.

The second book included is called What Will You Be? You can decide what your future holds by reading about the different jobs and careers that are out there. Your child will find out that they can be anything they want to be!

Aimed at children ages 4 through 10, the LeapPad Record & Play Microphone attaches to the cartridge connector of any LeapPad, LeapPad Plus Writing or Quantum Pad platform.

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