It would be remiss of us to let today pass without saying "May the Fourth be with you!" While Star Wars Day lasts for only 24 hours, some ambitious builders at Legoland Malaysia have spent the days leading up to it constructing what they claim is the largest ever Lego Millennium Falcon. Children of the 70s and 80s, we give you your childhood dreams come true.
The Falcon model was constructed by Lego Master Builder father and son Dan and Chris Steininger, with help from visitors. The process took 30 working hours spread over three days for the duo to complete, but Chris Steininger explains: "If you include all the man hours that the kids are putting in ... there's probably hundreds of hours going into this model." No word whether Lego Han and Lego Chewie pitched in to fix the hyperdrive.
The Lego Falcon was built using "four-times building bricks," Lego blocks that are four times the size of regular blocks and that have been assembled by visitors using regular blocks. More than 200,000 bricks were used to build the model, which measures 5 m (16 ft) long and weighs 500 kg (1,102 lb). Although big, this is still much smaller than a full-scale X-Wing that was built using 5,335,200 Lego bricks.

According to Dan Steininger, a number of other models from the Star Wars universe were considered for the record build, including TIE Fighters and the Death Star, but the Millennium Falcon won out. "Everybody likes the Millennium Falcon," he explains. "I think the Millennium Falcon is iconic, not just for old people like me who saw the first movie when it came out, but now, in the latest movie, the Millennium Falcon plays a pretty pivotal role and so young kids will be able to connect to the Millennium Falcon as old kids like me can."
In addition to viewing the replica Millennium Falcon, visitors to Legoland Malaysia this month will also be able to see two replica TIE Fighters made of Lego, which will be built by the resort's own Model Builders over this coming weekend.
The video below shows the Lego builders constructing their loving tribute to the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy.
Source: Legoland Malaysia