Covered in soggy toilet paper with a questionable pool of water underneath, that brush in the corner of your bathroom might not be something you want to pay a whole lot of attention to. But inventor Garry Stewart is sick of your crap. He believes it's time to ditch the dripping plastic bristles and he's invented a new weapon for taking the battle to the porcelain throne. The LooBlade instead uses a smooth silicone head designed to cut down on cleaning time and leave most of the mess in the can where it belongs.
Following a thorough scrub of the toilet bowl, there's not a whole lot to be done with the toilet brush other than slipping it back into its holder and erasing the preceding episode from memory. But much of the time, depending on the job at hand, it carries with it some amount of water and probably a few other secrets as well.
Stewart's LooBlade features eight silicon blades that twirl around its tip like an inverted soft serve. When plunged into the depths of your loo, these are said to better hug the rim and the contours of the bowl, pressing against more surface area than conventional bristles and therefore making for a more efficient sweep of its contents.
Further to less clogging, the shape of the blades allow for air to flow through the brush, making for less dirty water retention in the aftermath. It also contains an anti-microbial additive said to kill 99.9 percent of germs, helping to reduce the need for bleach and other chemicals.
LooBlade is currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign, where Stewart is looking to raise £20,000 (US$30,800) for commercial production. If you're done with your frayed old dunny brush an early pledge of £15 ($23) will have a LooBlade headed your way in December, if the campaign runs as planned.
You can hear from Stewart in the pitch video below.
Source: LooBlade