Providing the obvious safety concerns can be addressed, suspending a tent off-ground seems a good idea: less creepy-crawlies and no need for dry, flat ground, for starters. It’s understandable then, that we've seen a few examples of the concept, with the Tensile, Cocoon Tree Pod, and even an entire resort dedicated to off-ground camping appearing in recent years. Luminair is the latest company to take a stab at it, producing a design which looks elegant, and even luxurious.
The Tree Tent is the product of three years' research and features a hybrid aluminum and steam-bent green ash frame, with a waterproof cotton canvas skin, which is available in natural, red, and olive green, serving to keep out the elements. The tent measures three meters (ten feet) in diameter, which Luminaire reckons is ample for two adults to live in comfort.

While we’re on the subject of comfort, the interior of the Tree Tent can include up to two side benches which fold to become single beds, and a thermal liner made from 100 percent wool is also offered for chillier climes. Beyond this, it can be further tricked out with options like an underfloor water storage tank and pump, an underfloor battery pack and solar charger, and a bio-fuel stove for heating, cooking, and boiling water.
The Tree Tent tent is rigged with Marlow Dyneema rope, and may be suspended from one large overhanging branch, or attached to up to four trees. The placement height appears to be dependent on preference and situation, but if the Tree Tent is placed up in the trees, it can be accessed via ladder.
Pod-shaped paradise doesn’t come cheap however, and a standard Tree Tent with rigging begins at £8,000 (almost US$13,000) plus taxes, with stove and solar-powered battery system coming to almost £1,000 ($1,600) extra, when combined.
Build time is estimated at around four to six weeks and if desired, the company will come and build your Tree Tent, for an additional fee.