Babies have a pretty charmed existence, they get food whenever they want, they're pushed around in strollers which resemble arm-chairs on wheels and enjoy relaxing stints in jacuzzis ... wait, what? The MagicBath from Italian design firm BluBleu is a specially designed baby bath featuring an air massage system for your little one's derriere.
While most parents are content with bathing their baby in their own bath or a $30 mini tub from the local kids store (or even the kitchen sink), BluBleu clearly believes there is an untapped luxury market out there. Hence the €1655 (around US$2,185) MagicBath, which also features "relaxing" underwater LEDs.
The MagicBath is designed to stand at waist height for a parent and is supported on four curved and stable legs. The acrylic tub is shaped to support a newborn in the correct position at one end, and allow them to sit at the other end from six months to one-year-old … yes, despite the price-tag, it will only fit a baby for the first 12 months.

The jacuzzi function - controlled from a digital display also showing the water temperature - sees thousands of air bubbles pumped out by 10 air jets to caress your baby in what the makers (and their PR people) insist is an "immersive" and "exclusive" whirlpool which begins "a fabulous journey of sensory experiences." And there we were thinking a baby bath was for cleaning grubby little children.
Completing the spa effect, there are also six underwater LEDs which can be set to beam out blue, green, red or pink light under the bubbles, or cycle through a blue-indigo-violet color sequence in a "magic relax" chromatherapy setting.
On a more practical side, the MagicBath is said to conform with the safety standards on products used for the bathing of infants. There are also wheels positioned under the legs to make it easier to move as well as the ability to connect a flexible hose to drain the tub after the bathing/spa session.
Source: BluBleu via KlatMagazine