Medical Innovations
The pace of innovation and change in the health and medicine space is accelerating wildly, as a broad range of new technologies and scientific discoveries unlock new treatments and therapies we couldn't have dreamed of 10 or 20 years ago. This section focuses on the frontiers of medicine, including medical AI, imaging & diagnostics, medical devices, robotics, bionics, prosthetics, surgical devices, brain-computer interfaces, personalized medicine, psychedelics and more.
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Americans will soon have access to an infusion treatment that provides round-the-clock relief of Parkinson's symptoms. The US FDA has green-lit this innovative drug delivery system, which is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2025.
A surgical procedure to restore the power of sight to blind patients using their teeth is gaining traction around the world, with Canada opening its first clinic for this treatment. Here's how Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis works, and who it's for.
While CBD or cannabidiol is now widely available, widely used and generally considered safe, new research has found its use during pregnancy may produce some strange behavior in offspring and changes to the way their brains process sensory information.
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March 20, 2025 | Michael FrancoThe cannabis-derived compound cannabidiol is gaining traction as a treatment for a multiple conditions, but it's notoriously hard for the body to use. Now a breakthrough production method has removed a major roadblock to its bioavailability.
March 19, 2025 | Ben CoxworthOur soft tissues swell and shrink throughout the day, so a wearable that fits in the morning may not do so in the afternoon. A new adaptive lining for the sockets of prosthetic limbs was designed with this important fact very much in mind.
March 14, 2025 | Michael FrancoA man has lived for more than 100 days with a maglev heart beating inside his chest. In a landmark moment, he was discharged earlier this year, becoming the first person in the world to leave the hospital with the device embedded in his body.
March 13, 2025 | Paul McClureA new study has tested innovative proof-of-concept technology that syncs electrical stimulation with rehabilitation robotics to enable individuals paralyzed after spinal injury to move more naturally. The tech should improve recovery outcomes.
March 12, 2025 | Ben CoxworthThe treatment of kidney stones could soon be getting much faster, easier, and safer. Scientists have devised a method of non-invasively tearing the objects apart, using what are known as "acoustic vortex beams."
February 21, 2025 | Ben CoxworthNot many people fancy the idea of spending the night in a sleep clinic with multiple electrodes stuck to their skin. That's why scientists have developed a smart pajama top that assesses sleep disorders while its wearer comfortably slumbers at home.
February 18, 2025 | Ben CoxworthAs everyone knows, scratching at chronically itchy skin only makes the problem worse. A new device is claimed to help stop dermatitis patients from doing so while they sleep, without waking them up in the process.
February 13, 2025 | Paul McClureGood old reliable milk. New research found that when it is combined with particular oral drugs, milk significantly improves their absorption by the body. It’s the latest study to show that milk is a highly effective drug-delivery vehicle.
February 09, 2025 | Ben CoxworthThere could be new hope for people afflicted with the skin-discoloring disease, vitiligo. A new treatment reportedly works great on mice with the malady, and it utilizes a natural substance produced by beneficial gut bacteria.
February 08, 2025 | Ben CoxworthWhile we've seen antibacterial wound dressings before, Italian scientists have taken the idea to new extremes. They've created a material that kills multiple types of harmful bacteria, and it does so using tiny flowers.
January 30, 2025 | Paul McClureResearchers have discovered a new type of tissue, a soft and flexible ‘fatty cartilage’ that could revolutionize the treatment of traumatic injuries, birth defects, and cartilage-damaging diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
January 26, 2025 | Ben CoxworthBrain-computer interfaces may allow paralyzed people to perform basic tasks, but there's more to life than eating and typing. That's where a new BCI comes in, as it has allowed a man to fly a virtual drone just by thinking of moving his fingers.
January 25, 2025 | Ben CoxworthWhen someone has suffered a stroke, the resulting partial paralysis often leaves them with a poor sense of balance. A new rehabilitative platform could help in the recovery process, by objectively assessing what's known as their "center of pressure."
January 23, 2025 | Bronwyn ThompsonA breakthrough new AI model is able to detect the presence of different lung diseases from ultrasound videos, with 96.57% accuracy, and it is even able to distinguish whether the abnormalities are due to pneumonia, COVID-19 or other conditions.
January 21, 2025 | Paul McClureResearchers have discovered that proteins found in oyster blood have bacteria-killing properties and can boost the effectiveness of some common antibiotics whose use has been negatively affected by the global rise in drug resistance.
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