
iBeacons installed at MLB stadiums for a better-connected fan experience

AT&T Park, the home of the San Francisco Giants, is the latest to have the iBeacon technology installed with the aim of creating better-connected spectator experience (Photo: Shutterstock)
AT&T Park, the home of the San Francisco Giants, is the latest to have the iBeacon technology installed with the aim of creating better-connected spectator experience (Photo: Shutterstock)

MLBAM (Major League Baseball Advanced Media), the interactive media branch of North America's major baseball organization, is in the process of installing iBeacons in a host of stadiums across the continent. The San Francisco Giants is the latest club to implement the technology and is aiming to enhance the experience for fans at its AT&T Park by using the proximity sensors to push exclusive offers, seat upgrades and other information to Bluetooth-enabled Apple iOS7 devices.

iBeacon technology uses Bluetooth Low Energy and is built into iOS7. Retailers, proprietors and evidently major sporting organizations can put the technology to use by installing iBeacon transmitters on their premises and building proximity-related functions into their smartphone applications. If the user has the app installed on their phone and Bluetooth activated, the company can send information such as messages, promotions and offers to the phone's home screen when it comes within range of the iBeacon.

"Our top priority always has been to build technology to support our clubs and fans with an unrivaled experience in these world-class facilities," said Adam Ritter, Senior Vice President of Wireless at MLBAM. "The introduction of iBeacon services in our At The Ballpark app will be the latest evolution in this process, giving us another important platform to engage fans with their surroundings and to enjoy customized experiences through their iPhones."

The iBeacons were first installed in Petco Park, home of the San Diego Padres and Dodger Stadium, home to the Los Angeles Dodgers, in February of this year. A total of 20 clubs are set to implement and unveil the technology at their respective season Opening Days from March 31 and April 1.

In the case of the San Francisco Giants, this will include automatically checking fans into AT&T Park to receive offers and enable them to locate particular food vendors, upgrade seats, view game highlights and connect with the club's social media accounts.

Source: MLB, San Francisco Giants

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1 comment
More febalitys. Smart phones and importantly glasses now prevail in our society. This is a growining trend and will not cease. So now armed with the new,,,, knowledge that technolgy will not cease,,,,cease remember the word we must really address what thinsg we can do to exploit this inevatbility two words ,exploit ,and inevatbilty our sport facilitys.
By using bacon sorry becons to transmit live camera feeds from the players head cap head or even contact lenses and clothing we in the back row can really get that true up close feeling ,rather then wasting time and money in the creation of silly features which only aim to speed up the process of getting money out of customers and only partial make the experiance better for still the very few, THE REAL BACON which i will share with you for free no tm or ltd needed gives everyone an inhansed experiance not just the few with money.
At home on 3d tv you can watch your sports personality not only get payed exsadurated and injustafyible wages and compete againts there fellow man for money and fame but watch them up close from there point of veiw. The cameras are of a realitic size and do not hinder the player they are robust they give you the chance to see life trough your heros eyes., and really this is of far more intresting potential then some poles on the side line ,good day gentlemen ,