Realizing that the huge demand for parental monitoring programs for computers could also apply to phones, Dublin-based mobile web service company Associate Mobile has developed MobileMinder - a smartphone application running on a secure and encrypted network that allows parents to monitor their child's location, contacts, call history, photos, and web use.
"MobileMinder offers parents great peace of mind when it comes to the safety of their children and their use of mobile phones. In my day bullying was only done face to face but now, with most children carrying mobiles, a bully can harass their victim whenever they choose and we want to put a stop to this," stated Don Corbett co-founder and CEO of mm Technologies (a subsidiary of Associate Mobile).
Parents have the ability to view a 24 hour movement history, set safe area alerts, as well as alerts to know when the child has arrived to their destination and alerts of key words that may infer sexting or bullying. Parents can even remotely delete photos from the phone, which can help put an end to the popular practice of "sexting" amongtst teens. It also has an "I'm Lost" feature, allowing a lost child to send a map and directions to their parents.

This cloud based child-protection platform is currently available for Android with plans for further expansion to other operating systems (a Blackberry system is in development), as well as other applications. MobileMinder has an introductory price of €5.99 (about US$8.25) per month.