Moby – so named after the big white whale of American literary fame – is an incredibly slim, three-wheeled electric concept vehicle designed to sail through, one assumes, the narrow openings in choked city traffic, like a motorbike. Or a latter-day Captain Ahab.
Its designer WooJin Chung envisages his vehicle being used to negotiate footpaths, delivering post or by police patrolling dark, crime-filled alleyways. Certainly its narrow design makes it easy to access tight or out-of-the-way places.
The fin-shaped vehicle also can alter shape, with the back part able to be detached. The shortened model takes up half a regular parking space, which is always at a premium in crowded metropolitan areas. But the back part can also be fitted with a docking station, which allows for a larger battery to be attached or an extra seat for a passenger.
The vehicle doesn’t have doors but large portal-like openings instead for quick getaways.
Via Coroflot