
Morgan reinvents the cyclecar with 115bhp three-wheeler

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The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
The new Morgan three-wheel cyclecar
Morgans were highly respected compeition cars back in the day
Historical three wheeler from Morgan
Historical three wheeler from Morgan
Historical three wheeler from Morgan
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The cyclecar was a cross between a motorcycle and a car that popular a 100 years ago, mainly because the extremely light weight and powerful big V-twin motorcycle engine gave it sporting performance. Only one of the original cyclecar manufacturers still exists today – Morgan – and in a remarkable announcement, the entire concept has been updated and will sell for GBP25,000 powered by a big 115 bhp S&S V-twin, a five-speed Mazda gearbox and a cockpit modeled on a WW1 fighter plane.

Indeed, the whole aero and sporting heritage relationship with yesteryear is to be part of the marketing with very high quality decals including US military and British Air Force inspired logos, oval racing numbers and stripes, a shark nose, checkered winner's bonnet, official national flags and the Morgan wings.

More information of substance when it becomes available, or keep abreast of the developments at the purpose-built web site.

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The JZR, an English company, has been making a kit car just like this for a very long time. The larger engine is somewhat new. The US dealer put a Harley engine in one.
this 3 wheeler is going to be on all the wish lists for people who love unusual, quirky and fun cars. I think Morgan have a winner here.
Island Architect
It\'s absolutely beautiful!
There is something wonderful about restoring things. And restoring beautiful things from the past has a kind of compelling quality that is hard to match.
I loved the \"Mog\" as well as the TC. Perhaps the TC a bit more and wish that someone would scale it up for modern day \"big People\" but maintain all the proportions exactly.
Mentioning the \"Mog\" to Bill Allison, the widely known and respected suspension designer in Detroit, having invented the Packard \"Torsion Ride\" and who perfected the wind engine at a 59% efficiency, he sternly told me that from a suspension dynamics perspective 3 wheels are very dangerous.
I witnessed repeated spinouts of the Aptera at the X-Prize competition in breaking tests at MIS.
Methinks that Bill was very sharp. Even Dr. Alex Moulton was aware of Bill\'s work.
Seeing the engine exposed reminds me of Gordon Buehrig and the 20Grand which he created after purchasing and reading Vers une architecture.
That wonderful exposing of raw mechanical elements really is stunning.
But it is a dangerous vehicle and must be driven with great caution. No drinking and driving with this baby!
Beautiful color choices, magnificent recreation.
It would be socially irresponsible not to pass this on.
Bill Dickens
It\'s to bad that the Morgan Co. didn\'t give credit where credit is due, Mr. Pete Larson of Liberty Sidecars is the designer of the New Morgan, the Morgan Co. came to Seattle to meet with him and through nogoations procured the rights to assemble the car in England, everything you see with the excetion of the extieor colors and inteiour options is Mr. Larsons design. I\'m not sure of the total amount of years Mr. Larson devoted to R&D but it is more than 5 years. Mr. Larson deserves credit for the magnificent job he did on the car.
Nick Herbert
Let\'s hope someone at Morgan sends a sample to the Top Gear trio for testing - particularly as Richard Hammond is already a convert. What a lovely little car this is - and we have to wonder what it would be like with a big BMW boxer-engine up front, with the shaft-drive already available to drive the whole thing along from the single rear wheel... Now there\'s a kit-car concept to contemplate...!
Facebook User
3 wheeled cyclecars existed for two main reasons. 1. They were generally less expensive than 4 wheeled vehicles. 2. Many European countries taxed \"cars\", any motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, much higher than they did \"motorcycles, any motor vehicle with three or fewer wheels.
Less cost, less fuel use, less taxes and fees.
I just love three-wheeler cars, provided the single wheel is at the rear. Having owned and driven a Berkely with a twin two stroke Excelsior engine which could see off most family cars, Bill Dickens, I would add that it was not dangerous or difficult to handle.
Unfortunately I cannot see this re-vamp being successful commercially at such an inflated price, as nowadays it will just be a second \'fun\' car.
Gregg Eshelman
Why won\'t a company take a design like the Tri-Magnum and build it commercially?
Re-invent... WW1? They were ahead of their time - now they're going backwards. ? They are re-powering, NOT reinventing. It's pretty but there needs to be modernization befitting the innovativeness of the original creation, that was Legendary. This is nice but it is only a re-powered re-creation.
Please try again - the reverse trike is finally coming into mainstream interest and acceptance. At least bring it up into the realms of the Super 7.
Don't just take my word for it - show both images to the public and see which one is preferred.