
New range of high-tech Lego Technic models

Motorized Bulldozer
Motorized Bulldozer

September 12, 2007 Lego is a household brand synonymous with childhood fun that also aides learning and motor skills. The toy giant has just announced its latest offerings in the Lego Technic range for 2007 with some notable improvements in technology including remote controlled functionality for models designed to replicate real-life vehicle movement and functions.

Lego have introduced a complex building platform incorporating beams, gears, connecting and interlinking sections alongside the new Power Functions System elements: XL motors, infrared receivers and controllers with CD Rom model guide.

These new advanced models aim to bring the world of realistic construction and functionality to well-know vehicles such as the Motorized Bulldozer. Retailing for US$149.99 the new edition Bulldozer is powered by a remote control unit an infrared receiver. It incorporates four individual motors and one battery box which work together to enable the Bulldozer to be driven, complete a 360° turn on the spot, operate the blade/ripper position and working piston engine and move the vehicle around on realistic caterpillar tracks.

The Combine Harvester (US$69.99), with its wheel-driven rotor, rear axle steering and detachable header, also rebuilds into a Dragster. Another vehicle is the Off-Road Truck (US$49.99) with flexible axles that adapt to terrain and a working front winch. It rebuilds into a Utility Cargo Truck. All three Lego Technic models are available for purchase now.

Late last year the toy maker assisted white good manufacturer Bosch in the creation of a plastic-safe dishwasher... although, it’s not advisable to wash your Lego Technic motorized parts in there!

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1 comment
time to check the bank balance methinks! ;-))