
Nu.M8 GPS childrens watch and child locator

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800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States. In the U.K., that number is 140,000 children and there is no greater ordeal for a parent than not knowing where they are. Gartner estimates that the worldwide market for GPS based location devices will grow from 16 million in 2007 to 300 million in 2011.Using GPS-based systems to keep track of your pets and/or children is a trade off between peace of mind and cost – we’ve detailed numerous pet and child GPS locators, and the just-announced Nu.M8’s main claim is that it does not rely upon the child being responsible enough to keep their locator with them in a bag or pocket. When Nu.M8 is securely fastened to a child’s wrist it cannot be removed without sending an alert to the parent’s phone. As it’s also discretely hidden inside a watch, it’s more likely that if something goes wrong, the parent locates their child, not the technology.

Nu.M8 has been launched by UK location services company, Lok8u, and its new GPS child locator has been designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Nu.M8 is accessible at home, abroad or on holiday from a computer or mobile phone.

As far as the child is concerned Nu.M8 is a digital watch. To locate your child, simply text “wru” from your mobile phone to Nu.M8 or click “where r you” on the Lok8u secure portal. Your child’s location is then presented as an icon on Google maps and/or the street address and postcode is displayed.In addition, parents can set unique “safe zones“ in which their child can safely play. This function is activated simply by texting “safe…” followed by a number, which represents the metre radius for your child’s safe area, to Nu.M8, or selecting a ‘safe zone’ from the

As long as your child remains in this area no alerts will be sent and you can still communicate with the device using the “wru” function. However, if they stray a priority alert will be sent to the parent’s mobile phone and computer.

Other features include:• Water resistant to Ipx 7• Battery sufficient for seven days in standby • Dermatologically tested to ensure safe wearing• Use at home or abroad• Live track functionality• Home Zone for easy and safe removal of Nu.M8• Cell ID back up with AGPS for quick and accurate GPS determined location• Accurate to within 10 feet• Metal reinforced rubber strap

Nu.M8 will be available from a selected range of major high street retailers in the UK in March 2009 and available in USA in late spring. Manufacturers recommended retail price in the UK is UKP149.99 (US retail price to be confirmed), plus a monthly subscription charge which varies according to the chosen tariff.

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Amanda Woods
i would like to know how much the watch is, I NEED THEM FOR MY CHILDREN IMMEDIATELY. thank you amanda woods
Jenn Franchina
so how much are these and how do you order them.