Slovenia-based designer and engineer Elvis Halilović (aka ONDU) is a pinhole photography enthusiast who felt there was a relative absence of appealing durable pinhole cameras on the market, and so set to work creating his own. This resulted in a range of six ONDU Pinhole Cameras, each of which differs in size, price, and film format.
For the uninitiated, pinhole photography in its simplest form merely requires a light proof box with a “pinhole” inserted. This pinhole acts as a rudimentary lens, letting in light in order to produce distinctive lo-fi images.

The ONDU Pinhole Cameras are constructed from wood and feature strong magnets that provide a satisfying snap when opening and closing the film access hatch. Only one screw is used in the manufacture of each unit, and ONDU promises the end result will be robust and long-lasting.
The camera models vary in size from the minuscule ONDU 135, which uses 35 mm film, up to the comparatively large Sliding Box Pinhole unit, which shoots on 10.5 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inches) photography paper. Each camera comes with a standard tripod mount – an essential feature for a camera which requires long exposure times.
ONDU is running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds, and the goal of US$10,000 is already smashed with 23 days still left to run. As of writing, the cheapest remaining model is the 135 Pocket Pinhole, which will set you back $60, while the more niche Sliding Box Pinhole model fetches $200.
The video below features the team's pitch.
Source: ONDU via Kickstarter