Urban Transport

Icona concept offers eco-friendly transport on water and land

Icona concept offers eco-friendly transport on water and land
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Concept sketches detailing design options for the Icona
Concept sketches detailing design options for the Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
From the top, the Opel Icona concept
From the top, the Opel Icona concept
The rear wheels will feature impeller drives so that the Icona needn't rely solely on its sail
The rear wheels will feature impeller drives so that the Icona needn't rely solely on its sail
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Detailing the rear suspension
Detailing the rear suspension
Looking good on the road, the Icona concept from Juan Pablo Bernal P
Looking good on the road, the Icona concept from Juan Pablo Bernal P
In addition to rear impeller drives, the Icona features a sail which collapses inside the car's frame when not in use
In addition to rear impeller drives, the Icona features a sail which collapses inside the car's frame when not in use
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
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Over the years, there have been numerous attempts to create vehicles that operate on both land and water. It's fair to say that such designs have generally not caught on. Perhaps it's because of the fairly limited effectiveness of some of those offerings, or maybe it's because so many of them have been ugly monsters. Then again, it could be that society just hasn't found a niche for them yet. By the year 2050 though, we may need to give such craft some serious consideration. Juan Pablo Bernal P has come up with a concept design that certainly ticks all the right boxes for looks, and also takes the environment into consideration.

There have been some water/land craft that have caught our attention, and our imagination, in the past. Certainly one of the most impressive was the WaterCar Python which sped along at 120mph (193km/h) on land and upwards of 60mph (97km/h) on water. Most attempts, however, seem to have ended up looking like a boat with wheels or worse.

Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona
Juan Pablo Bernal P's concept model of the Opel Icona

For his degree project at Umea Institute of Design in Sweden, which was sponsored by car manufacturer Opel, Juan Pablo Bernal P set himself the task of thinking ahead to the transport needs of people in the year 2050. Dealing with the likely environmental and social challenges ahead, the designer came up with a vehicle with "provocative lines and dynamic looks" that would provide an enjoyable and entertaining way of getting from A to B with as little impact on the environment as possible.

The Opel Icona is described as a family vehicle, yet there's only enough space for one adult, and maybe room for a child passenger directly in front. There are electric hub motors to the front and impeller drive to the rear, where a keel and sail are also concealed within the frame of the vehicle. When on the water, the rear wheels are drawn up to the body by the trailing suspension arms.

The rear wheels will feature impeller drives so that the Icona needn't rely solely on its sail
The rear wheels will feature impeller drives so that the Icona needn't rely solely on its sail

Being able to commute on both water and land, the designer sees such a vehicle opening up new habitation possibilities but, like most concept designs, this one asks more questions than it answers. For instance, Juan Pablo Bernal P does not reveal any significant details about the electric hub motors other than that they are placed at the front. Presumably such hub motors would be sealed against water penetration, but details are lacking.

Of course, mixing an electric motor with a drop or two of the wet stuff has already been done. Nevertheless, some sort of explanation would have been welcome.

Then there's the question of what exactly provides such a vehicle with the power it needs to head for open land or water. Given that there are quite a few years between now and when the designer sees such a vehicle being developed, presumably the Icona would take full advantage of whatever breaking, clean and efficient technologies are available at that time.

Looking good on the road, the Icona concept from Juan Pablo Bernal P
Looking good on the road, the Icona concept from Juan Pablo Bernal P

For now, I guess we just have to sit back and enjoy its beauty.

View gallery - 17 images
This looks nice, but it\'s certainly not designed for going on water; the minute it will pick up speed it will dive like a submarine, guaranteed! I hope the designers will make a small prototype first, otherwise it will be a very costly boo-boo!
Normally I try to stay very objective on designs but I could not resist this one. There are some major flaws with some basic principals here. Having designed a sail boat and owning one of largest marine patents ever filed I learned that performance will suffer when you mix 2 designs for 2 purposes. This one will not preform well on water or land. The problems are too numerous to mention but I\'m sure other comments will enumerate on some of them. It should sell very well at \"ToysRUs.\"
Jim Cochran
This will sail like a pig.
There\'s an \"Aqua Car\" designed and built in New Zealand that\'s been out for a few years. It goes 100 mph on land and 30 mph in the water. It\'s called the Gibb Aquada. If interested, you can Google it.
Those back wheels will make a mess of everything, with no fenders:)