The average gadget (think big screen TVs and video games) may cause your health and physique to suffer, but heart rate monitors and GPS fitness computers combine high-tech gadgetry with healthy intentions. The latest fitness gadgets do more than just track your fitness, they actively inspire you to do better. The Pear Sports Square One is the latest gadget that serves as tracker and digital personal trainer.
Fitness monitors have long tracked your performance in an effort to fine-tune and improve your workouts. In order to know what you can do better, you need to know what you're doing to begin with. Monitoring software and online communities have provided a natural extension, allowing you to better track, plan and organize your fitness goals. With those systems, though, there's a disconnect between actually working out and analyzing your performances. You can plan ahead of time, work out and then compare your real-time stats to your planned goals, but you don't have real-time feedback in the field.
Similar to other devices like the Adidas miCoach, the Pear Sports Square One gives you real-time feedback so that you can eek the most out of every workout. The Square One system uses a heart rate monitor and foot pod to record metrics of your workout. The unit analyzes your workout and provides coaching prompts while you work out, to keep you exercising at your peak.
The Pear system gives you many of the advantages of a personal trainer in a small package. You can use the system to design a workout regimen based upon your age, gender and fitness level. The workouts have been devised by a team of coaches. Before you start on a specific plan, you do a simple 20-minute session so that the unit can record your heart rate data and tailor the plan specifically to your needs.

When you're out working out, the Square One constantly monitors your progress and provides motivating cues if you're falling short of goals. For instance, if you're running a little slower than your target, the system will kick in to prompt you to pick up the pace. With the touch of a button, you can also get an immediate audio readout of measurements like heart rate and distance.
Since many people don't tend to have a lot of pocket space when exercising, the Square One docks an iPod Shuffle, so that you can carry both with the unit's integrated clip. Coaching prompts and stat reads play loudly over the music, ensuring that you get the information you need.
Like most other modern fitness electronics, the Square One also includes online support. You can use the Pear Portal to upload your data, create plans and interact with a greater fitness community.
The Square One retails for US$249.99.
Source: Pear Sports via The GearCaster