Urban Transport

Pulse Kick 'n' Go Xcelerator

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The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
The Pulse Kick'n'Go Scooter
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June 13, 2008 When Razor scooters hit the scene in the 1990s, older folk were scratching their heads. Would people really pay that sort of money for a kick scooter? The answer was a resounding yes, and a fad became a craze and even a sport. But where the Razor line was picked up by young professionals to shorten their urban commute, the Pulse Kick 'n' Go Xcelerator is aimed directly at kids.

It's built tough, with a big urethane front wheel and a strong steel frame, as well as strong brakes with braided steel brake lines - but the key innovation on the Xcelerator, as the name suggests, is the kick pedal. Get the thing moving and kick down on the t-bar and a chain and lever system sends torque to the rear wheel to accelerate the scooter, so you can zip along without having to keep kicking one foot along the ground.

At its US$120 RRP, it's not overly expensive in the company of Razor's Powerwing or Ripstik casterboards, and if the Xcelerator fails to sell, it won't be from lack of promotion. The marketing machine for the Kick 'n' Go is truly formidable, with its reams of video-ads, flash games, and boatloads of information. There's even a "tuner shop" where kids can bling out their scooters with funky grips, lights, locks and upgrades.

And while the TV commercial has clearly been sped up, not to mention infused with that curious television breed of long-haired surfer kid who yells "yeah" and "awesome"a lot, there's little doubt that the first couple of kids on the block to be packing one of these things will turn a few heads.

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1 comment
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Pulse Kick \'n\' Go Xcelerator specially for kids is an good toy and brings enccouragement to handle themselves while driving from childhood.And the most appraised thing in this scooter is the child need not put his foot on ground while driving the Kick Scooters.Good in terms of safety and happy to ride one.