Have you ever complained about too much complexity in today's mobile devices? If so, then Rimino might meet your needs. It is meant to be simple, intuitive and user-friendly. Designed by Sweden's Amid Moradganjeh in collaboration with Microsoft, the conceptual device is based on color E-Ink technology with an interface inspired by print posters, aimed at integrating technology and human nature.
Rimino would know exactly what users needed, at any given moment. "It is truly aware of them," the project's website explains. There are a number of methods for interacting with the device, including the use of temperature, haptic feedback, light, airflow, olfactory feedback and moisture.

The operating system and the goal-based UI (user interface) are briefly described in a diagram, presenting "Narrative" as the main page, where all the phone's functions are listed. Launching any task requires the "Capture" function, which is performed by bending the device (as pictured below) or using natural gestures which initiate the capturing. The user captures elements (time, location, voice, image, temperature, objects, people, etc.) and chooses which one to start a task with. Then, the device can automatically determine which exact actions are available to choose from. Apps are no longer necessary, as the goal-based UI can perform their functions.

Many designers interested in concept gadgets don't worry too much about technical details, and such is the case with the present incarnation of Rimino. The proposed device is a master's thesis project of Amid Moradganjeh, a multidisciplinary designer from Sweden's Umeå Institute of Design. He is said to be influenced by the human-oriented Scandinavian approach in design. More information is to be found on the Rimino website.
The video below illustrates some of the ways in which the device could be used.