
The Ring Clock: A wristwatch for your finger

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The Ring Clock is a watch that you wear as a ring rather than a bracelet
The Ring Clock needs charging regularly, with the charging station also being used to set the time
The Ring Clock at the conceptual prototype stage, with LEDs revealing the time
The Ring Clock at the conceptual prototype stage, with LEDs revealing the time
The current design for the ring, with none of the electronics having yet been fitted inside
The Ring Clock is a watch that you wear as a ring rather than a bracelet
The Ring Clock at the conceptual prototype stage, with LEDs revealing the time
When not telling the time the Ring Clock is a chunky stainless steel finger ring
When not telling the time the Ring Clock is a chunky stainless steel finger ring
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Pocket-watch, wrist-watch, finger-watch? Is this the evolutionary path for time-telling devices? The team behind The Ring Clock hopes so, and has launched a crowdfunding campaign to bring the idea to market.

Despite this being an era where most of us are carrying a mobile phone, dedicated timepieces haven't died out. In fact, there appears to be a healthy demand out there for innovative, unusual and expensive watches and the Ring Clock is the latest to enter the fray.

As its name suggests, The Ring Clock is a watch that you wear as a ring rather than a bracelet. It was originally designed in 2011 by Gusztav Szikszai as part of a competition to create a product that was impossible to make now, but may be feasible in 10 years. Given that the The Ring Clock is becoming reality just two years later, it might already be ahead of its time.

The final product is a chunky stainless steel finger ring made up of an inner ring and an outer ring. The outer ring has three distinct bands on it; the top one has the 24-hour clock markings, the second has minute markings, and the third has dots showing the seconds ticking away.

When not telling the time the Ring Clock is a chunky stainless steel finger ring

The Ring Clock sits on your finger in an inert state until you spin the outside ring, at which point the time is revealed by the correct numbers lighting up with LEDs. This keeps battery use to a minimum, which, as the battery only lasts two hours before needing to be recharged via its Qi wireless power charger pad, is a good thing. The battery also only has a lifespan of three years, and is not replaceable.

The team behind the Ring Clock is seeking US$287,000 from crowdfunding advocates on Indiegogo to make the watch a reality. The basic pledge is $195 for a single Ring Clock, with $15 extra added for shipping outside the UK. Currently the designers say a conceptual model has been completed and if all goes well, the first batch will be delivered to backers in April 2014.

The video pitch for The Ring Clock can be seen below.

Source: Indiegogo

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Roger Wildermuth
$300 for a Ring/Watch with a non-replaceable battery that lasts 3 years; think I'll pass on that one.
Very nicely executed idea, and very innovative.
However the designer may not have done much research on rings. There are over 30 different sizes of ring - some people have little stick fingers, others have big fat sausage hands - so they'd have to design many different sized versions of this for it to be commercial.
It's not like a wristwatch where you can adjust the strap, or a bracelet than can be worn fairly tight or loose - you don't want your £300 ring watch slipping off.
It also looks very wide indeed in that pic of someone wearing it, which would make it uncomfortable to wear, even to the few who fitted into it.
Aussie Bob
Looks good to me and I would buy one if it fitted ok. I love gadgets no matter how "useless" they are :-)
I like it but it's one third too wide for me.
Vincent Bevort
Just after seeing this for the 1st time you want to have it but after reading about the livetime and price it becomes a NONO
Τριαντάφυλλος Καραγιάννης
They could make the seconds ring inductive and charge the watch by having the user spin that ring. Charging the clock with your thumb would then become very easy.
One other unwieldy thing is that you have to search for the active minute around your finger... which might look rather odd to bystanders... (especially if you keep the ring on your middle finger).
A much cleaner (and simpler) implementation would be one or two miniature bright LED displays, dark when inactive, that would make a nice contrast with the frame's aluminium colour and they would light up when the user touches the device (again I'm in favour of the thumb activation, either on the screen or at the back of the clock).
Bob Stuart
How does it know which direction to display in? A little crown would at least keep it oriented on your finger. I was kind of expecting a mechanical device with rotating rings to squint at.
Vic Steve
This is interesting but i still think the Kinekt Gear Ring is better.
Lora Kling
I love it and I want one.
Amazing engineering. To all the nay sayers, why comment. You do not believe it is worthy of purchase move on without commenting.
Owning an Altiplano and some other interesting pieces, I find this time keeping device spectacular. As well the price is modest.