While traveling is generally a lot of fun, digging through your packed clothes to find a particular item can definitely be a hassle. The Rise & Hang duffel bag offers an alternative – it features built-in collapsible soft shelves that pull up out of it while it’s hanging in your hotel room closet, keeping your clothes organized and accessible.
To use the bag, you start by hanging it open in a closet (or wherever) at home, packing your clothes onto its shelves, then pushing the shelves/clothes down inside of it and zipping it up. Upon reaching your destination, you just open it back up, pull out the shelves, and hang it up. Your clothes will still be on the shelves where you packed them, so there won’t be any need to transfer them into the hotel room dresser.
Besides its three shelves (four, if you count its top surface), a nice added touch is a hamper compartment on the bottom, for storing your dirty laundry.

The Rise & Hang duffel bag has a capacity of 70.8 liters, is water-resistant, and sells for US$69. For people who prefer to use a suitcase, a 42-liter luggage insert is also available for $44.
The bag can be seen in use in the video below.
Source: Rise & Hang via Dragon's Den