April 11, 2008 Are motorcyclists increasing the risk of prostate and colon cancer by exposing themselves to low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF) radiation? The answer is yes according to Canadian inventor and author Randall Dale Chipkar, who has created a specially shielded motorcycle seat to minimize this potential danger.
Chipker's invention stems from testing conducted on motorcycles which showed that the stator coils, battery and electrical wiring that runs directly under the seat of his bike were causing potentially hazardous ELF EMF exposure readings of up to 500mG to come up through the seat (a power line by comparison might register at around 200 mG).
As to whether motorcyclists should be concerned - we'll leave that up to you. There are no definitive answers as to the level of risk involved, but science does acknowledge that electromagnetic radiation contributes to an elevated risk of cancer and an awareness of the issues is clearly important.
“Cancer is not fully understood and people should not have to gamble with their health because they love riding motorcycles. Personal precaution to reduce risk wherever possible is the best defense,” Chipkar says.
Chipker is selling seats with shielding material built in and is looking to retrofit existing bike seats with the shields.
“ELF EMF magnetic fields penetrate through all conventional metals. Only highly processed material can dramatically shield us from these cancer controversial forces. Hopefully this new internal EMF shielding motorcycle seat accessory will revolutionize the motorcycle industry to keep riders safer,” said Chipkar, who has a website canvassing his concerns here.
Read the full story over at TheBikerGene.