
Researchers develop more energy efficient carbon capture material

Researchers develop more energy efficient carbon capture material
Researchers have developed a new metal organic framework material that makes carbon capture more energy efficient
Researchers have developed a new metal organic framework material that makes carbon capture more energy efficient
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Researchers have developed a new metal organic framework material that makes carbon capture more energy efficient
Researchers have developed a new metal organic framework material that makes carbon capture more energy efficient

Carbon capture is one of the many solutions proposed to curb emissions of CO2. But, so far, methods being used require a great deal of energy to release the captured carbon from the capture material for storage. Now researchers at the University of South Florida (USF), in a partnership with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), have announced what they claim is a more energy-efficient alternative in the shape of a cheaper, more efficient and reusable material for CO2 capture and separation.

At the center of the discovery is a crystal called SIFSIX-1-Cu, whose atoms form a three-dimensional lattice with holes that can trap CO2 but allow other molecules to pass through. The porous SIFSIX materials are built with a mix of inorganic and organic chemical building blocks from a class of materials known as Metal-Organic Materials (MOMs).

One of the characteristics of the metal organic framework material that boosts its chances of real-world application is its unique effectiveness in the presence of water vapor. This offers advantages over other methods, where water vapor normally interferes with CO2 capture and contributes to the cleaning process in clean-coal plants consuming around 20 to 30 percent of the plants' power output. The researchers say the new material has the potential to improve the efficiency of the cleaning process and allow more power to be put into the grid.

“I hate to use the word ‘unprecedented’ but we have something unprecedented,” said USF Chemistry Professor Mike Zaworotko. “We sort of hit a sweet spot in terms of properties.”

To confirm their findings, the researchers carried out simulations on supercomputers at several research centers, including the National Science Foundation’s XSEDE network, the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Texas Advanced Computing Center and San Diego Supercomputer Center. These included tests on Blacklight, a large shared memory computer, to simulate the behavior of small numbers of gas molecules with each other and with the MOM material.

Besides capturing carbon in coal-fueled plants, the researchers envisage other applications for the material, including purification of methane in natural gas wells and the advancement of clean coal technology.

The scientists will next work on a manufacturing solution and real-world applications. Details of the research appeared in the journal Nature.

The video animation below illustrates how the carbon atoms stick to the metal organic framework material.

Source: University of South Florida

MOF Flue

This looks interesting. If they could make a variant to clean the toxic pollutants out of the air I'm sure the Chinese would love this. If we could manufacture it in sufficient bulk to ship over there so they can clean thier air up it would be kind of ironic.
James Pot
Not to rain on your parade, but the problem of C sequestration is being solved as we speak. It just needs a bit more media coverage. It is called high density mob stock grazing , the way the buffalo's maintained the prairies. One animal unit sequesters 3lb of C for every lb produced. Allan Savory is doing it in Africa to battle and defeat desertification and Peter Ballerstedt PhD and Joel Salatin are promoting it in North America.
So, what is done with the carbon once captured? Is it a once use sort of material or is there a means to release this carbon into some sort of storage? Can this carbon be used for something?
Expanded Viewpoint
Well golly gee wilikers!! Why not just rely upon old Mother Nature to do the job? Since plants use CO2 like we use Oxygen, and greenhouses are purposely built to nurture plants in, then where's the downside here? Are we going to be taxed for our emissions of CO2 in our breath next??