Earlier this year, China's Sleepace successfully crowdfunded and shipped a 2 mm thick smart strap that lays on the bed and monitors a user's sleep time, heart rate and breathing, body movement and sleep cycles. The RestOn then sends the collected data to a companion app running on a Bluetooth-paired smartphone for analysis. Now the company has added a smart light to the system called the Nox, which works in conjunction with the RestOn to help monitor, track and improve sleep quality.
The new Nox Smart Sleep System is made up of three parts. There's a RestOn smart band that's slipped between the mattress and top sheet, the Nox light that's plugged into a wall outlet and placed on a bedside table, and the Sleepace app running on a user's smartphone. The RestOn and the Nox both transmit data to the app via Bluetooth.
The Nox uses a combination of light and sound to ease a user into a restful sleep. The light part of the equation makes use of red wavelengths, which the company says can raise the secretion of melatonin, a naturally-occurring hormone that's used medically in the treatment of some sleep problems. The Nox also emits soothing sounds to help the would-be dreamer drift into slumber. When the RestOn's sensors detect the user has fallen asleep, the Nox light is instructed to switch off.

The Nox light hosts built-in sensors that keep track of room temperature, humidity and CO2, as well as ambient light and background noises, and the Sleepace app uses this data – together with information supplied by the RestOn smart strap – to help users understand what's been going on during the night. The app then makes suggestions for improving the bedroom environment to help ensure better quality sleep and healthier sleeping habits.
The Nox displays the current time or temperature under the light to the front, and includes a USB port for charging a smartphone or tablet while the user gets some shut-eye.
When it's time to wake up, the RestOn sensors will let the Nox know when a sleeper is entering the lightest part of the sleep cycle, and the Nox will be instructed to wake up the user 30 minutes before the time set for the alarm. Sleepace says that this ensures a user is awoken at the right time, feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.
The Nox smart sleep light will be available from September for US$129.99, or can be purchased as part of the new Sleep System (which includes the RestOn non-wearable sleep monitor) for $279.97.
Source: Sleepace